Nothing in life is more valuable than advice from an experienced adult.

Yet, not everyone has the luxury of living close to their grandparents. Some people may not have somebody to whom they can turn for sound life advice.

This was the hole that these retirees wanted to fill in people’s lives. As a result, they took an excellent initiative. Continue reading to find out more!

A group of lifelong friends would frequently congregate at their regular gathering spot, a coffee shop in Salt Lake City, Utah. They should share their experiences with others because it was via their gatherings and story-sharing that they came to their magnificent conclusion.

One of the group’s members, Tony Caputo, 69, noticed something: there was a farmer’s market with hundreds of people on the opposite side of the street!

He suggested to the organization that they set up a booth where he could provide guidance. It was a hit with the other guys. As a result, the next week, they erected a booth with a large banner above it that said “Old Coots Offering Terrible Advice,” “It’s definitely awful advise, but it’s free.”

The men were open to discussing almost anything. There were, however, two exceptions: politics and religion.

They waited for someone to approach them in order to seek counsel.

As a few people trickled in and had a positive experience, they had a short but growing line form in front of their booth, indicating that word had evidently spread. Individuals sought advice from the so-called “Old Coots” on a variety of topics. From romance and love troubles to school and employment issues, and even what cell phone or internet plans to get!

The men were willing to talk about anything. Politics and religion, on the other hand, were the two exceptions.

They waited for an approaching person to seek counsel.

As a few customers arrived and had positive experiences, a tiny but growing line formed in front of their booth, suggesting that news had clearly traveled. People sought advise from the so-called “Old Coots” on a wide range of topics, including what cell phone or internet plans to purchase, as well as problems with relationships and love, as well as challenges with school and job!

“They know everything, it’s as simple as that!” exclaimed one devotee.

“They are the wisest elderly coots you’ve ever sought guidance from,” said another.

Because of their popularity, they were even invited to appear on Good Morning America! The men have definitely established themselves with their true personality and truthful guidance!

What a wonderful idea to build a booth solely to provide free advice to children! Please share this story with your friends so they can learn more about these incredible “Old Coots.”