In every relationship, there are ups and downs, moments of joy, and times of struggle. Recently, a Reddit user shared his personal challenges within his marriage, primarily due to his wife’s poor hygiene habits. While he acknowledges his own faults and the difficulties they face, his main concern is his wife’s wellbeing and the impact it has on their intimacy.

The man took to the Relationships forum on Reddit to express his current relationship situation. He opened up about their journey, mentioning that they found out about their pregnancy when they were both young and unmarried. Despite the obstacles they faced, they stuck together and tried their best to raise their son in what they believed was the right way.

Although the couple is no longer in the “puppy love” stage, the man has developed a different kind of love and respect for his wife, whom he considers his best friend. Both of them have battled depression, which has led to weight gain and low self-confidence. However, the man has taken small steps to regain his confidence and lead a healthier lifestyle.

On the other hand, the man expresses concern about his wife’s lack of self-care. He mentions that she rarely goes to the doctor, even when she suspects something is wrong with her health. Similarly, she hasn’t visited the dentist since they got married, resulting in yellowing teeth and white buildup around her gums. Additionally, her unhealthy dietary choices and poor personal grooming contribute to her less-than-desirable appearance.

Sadly, due to all these factors, the man has resorted to refusing to sleep next to his wife in bed. He has been honest with her about his concerns regarding her hygiene and lifestyle, but she takes it personally and refuses to make any changes.

Other Reddit users chimed in with advice and insights. Some pointed out that her lack of self-care is likely linked to her depression and suggested helping her find ways to enjoy taking care of herself, such as booking a spa day or treating themselves to skin treatments and haircuts.

The situation is undeniably tricky, as it involves both physical and emotional aspects of their relationship. Finding a balance between addressing the hygiene issues and providing support for his wife’s mental health is crucial for their relationship’s well-being.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Let us know in the comments!