As we all know, most brides choose to wear white on their wedding day. It’s a tradition that symbolizes purity and innocence. But what if your fiancé forbids you from wearing white? That’s exactly what happened to this woman, and her story will leave you shocked. Let’s dive in and see just how controlling this groom-to-be was!

The woman, known as OP (Original Poster), shared her story on Reddit’s ‘Off My Chest’ thread. She had been engaged to her fiancé, Ryan, for eight months and had been the primary planner for their wedding. But just a month before the big day, Ryan dropped a bombshell – he didn’t want her to wear a white dress!

At first, OP brushed it off as a creative whim, thinking it was about how the photos would turn out. But she was determined to wear white, and Ryan seemed annoyed but let it go. However, things took a turn when Ryan found out that OP had bought a white wedding dress.

Ryan’s opposition to the white dress had nothing to do with aesthetics. He believed that brides should only wear white if they were “pure.” This revelation left OP shocked and confused. She realized that Ryan’s insecurities about her past relationships were causing this irrational demand.

In a desperate attempt to convince OP, Ryan sought support from his mother. But even she couldn’t justify his request. She pointed out that if Ryan wanted his bride to be “pure,” then he should also wear red, considering he was no longer a virgin himself. Despite this intervention, Ryan insisted that wearing white would deceive their wedding guests.

Naturally, this argument left OP disgusted and reconsidering their entire relationship. And two weeks later, she updated her post, revealing that she and Ryan had broken up. Now single for the first time in over six years, she even asked Redditors for advice on what to wear on her first date!

The comments section was filled with support for OP, with people calling out Ryan’s ridiculous demands. It seems like this breakup was a long time coming, and OP’s friends were ready to support her from the moment they heard the news.

What a rollercoaster of a story! It just goes to show that love shouldn’t come with unreasonable demands. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!


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