Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart and are now famous models -

What if we told you that two siblings, born more than a decade apart, share a remarkable similarity? Meet Asel and Kamila, the stunning albino sisters who have not only defied the odds but also become sought-after models.

Albinism, a rare genetic disorder that results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair, gives albinos a distinctive appearance. It is astonishing enough to have one albino child, but this Kazakh couple had two, born 12 years apart.

Asel, the elder sibling at the age of 14, was born albino, much to the surprise of her mother, Aiman Sarkitova. Back then, the understanding of genetics was not as advanced. Aiman recalls, “It’s just starting to develop. The physicians were astounded.” Imagine their shock when Kamila was born with the same condition 12 years later.

The unique and striking sight of these two siblings led them to join forces and embark on a modeling partnership. Asel had already been modeling since the age of ten, but with her two-year-old sister by her side, their popularity soared. They have now amassed over 33,000 followers on Instagram, capturing the hearts of many.

While their albinism has been instrumental in their success, it is not without its challenges. Albinos often suffer from sensitivity to sunlight, among other health issues related to the disorder. Asel ensures she protects her skin by applying sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, using headgear, and even resorting to an umbrella when venturing outdoors in the afternoon. The evenings are much easier for them when the sun is less intense.

One thing that sets these sisters apart is their bond. Albinism often leads individuals to feel isolated due to its rarity, but Asel and Kamila are fortunate to always have each other. Their journey as models not only serves as a testament to their resilience but also as a means to raise awareness about albinism and showcase the incredible beauty that albinos possess.

Sadly, many people are still unaware of what albinism truly entails. As Asel herself says, “Many people do not know what albinos are.” But in our opinion, these sisters are not only beautiful but also inspiring. Share their amazing story and stunning images to spread awareness and celebrate their uniqueness.

Albino Sisters