Dolly Parton, the legendary 77-year-old artist, continues to inspire and surprise us. She’s all set for an incredible end to 2023 with the release of her new book “Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones” on Oct. 17 and her first-ever rock album “Rockstar” on Nov. 17. It’s safe to say that it’s Dolly Parton season, y’all!
Dolly Parton

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Parton spoke about her unique fashion style and her unwavering commitment to being true to herself, even when her family disapproved of her clothing choices. Her fashion inspiration came from a local woman she referred to as the “town tramp” – a woman who radiated flamboyance with her bright red lipstick, long red fingernails, and bold fashion choices. Parton admired this woman’s look, style, and overall presence, often seeking her out during trips into town with her family.
Fashion Inspiration

Despite facing criticism and disapproval from her father, a sharecropper, and her grandfather, a preacher, Parton never let it hinder her self-expression. She remained steadfast in being true to herself. She revealed, “I was willing to pay for it. I’m a sensitive person, and being disciplined or scolded hurt my feelings deeply. But there’s a part of you that’s willing to go for it if you want something badly enough.”

Not only did her family disapprove, but even record label executives tried to convince her to tone down her style. However, Parton never let external opinions dampen her spirit. She cared about what people thought of her, but it never stopped her from being herself or doing things her own unique way. Parton attributes her unwavering attitude to her mother’s advice: “To thine own self be true.” She emphasizes the importance of doing things her way, whether it’s reflecting her personality, conducting business, or simply being authentic to her beliefs. There is strength in embracing oneself, according to Parton.

The Influence of Her Remarkable Parents

Dolly Parton’s unparalleled success as one of the most accomplished recording artists of all time can be attributed, in part, to the influence of her parents. She credits them for providing her with the essential tools needed for her extraordinary journey. From her mother, Parton inherited creativity and spirituality. From her father, she inherited a strong work ethic and a business-minded mindset. These invaluable qualities enabled her to build an empire worth over $500 million and create a catalog of more than 3,000 songs.
Dolly's Parents

Writing songs has been a lifelong passion for Parton. She began crafting melodies at the young age of 7, and she never stops to this day. Although she has retired from touring, she always keeps something around to write on – whether it’s chewing gum papers or napkins in a restaurant. She never knows when an idea is going to hit her, and she dislikes losing them because they rarely come back. Parton believes in capturing every spark of inspiration and she shared with The Guardian, “I’m sure I’ve lost many great ideas because I didn’t have pen and paper.”

Dolly Parton’s journey is a testament to embracing individuality, defying expectations, and staying true to oneself. She continues to inspire people of all ages, showing us that it’s never too late to follow your dreams and make your own unique mark on the world.