As parents, we all dread those phone calls from school informing us that our children have misbehaved and are being taken to the principal’s office. I was no stranger to trouble when I was young, and my mom often had to apologize on my behalf for my antics. But one mom from Mississippi was left confused when she received a call from her son’s school, telling her that he was in trouble for saying the words “Jesus Christ” in class.

Shonna Coleman initially thought her son had said a “bad word” during one of his lessons. However, when she found out what he had actually said, she couldn’t understand why it would land him in hot water. She shared a report card on Facebook that her son had brought home from Hope Sullivan Elementary School that day.

The report, titled ‘Parent Notice of Disciplinary Incident’, listed a number of tick boxes with reasons for sending the report. It stated that Shonna’s son had said “Jesus Christ” when he dropped the Legos he was cleaning up from recess. The report deemed this as “unacceptable language”, leaving Shonna scratching her head.

Shonna spoke to FOX13 about the incident, expressing her confusion. She mentioned that the church and Bible study both mentioned “Jesus Christ”, and she had never heard that it was forbidden to say those words at a public school. The school claimed that the issue was not the word itself, but the disrespectful way in which her son said it when dropping his Legos.

Internet users had a lot to say about the incident, with many criticizing the school for punishing the boy. The school, on the other hand, stated that students wouldn’t be reprimanded for simply saying “Jesus Christ”, but that a disrespectful use of the name could warrant correction.

What do you think? Do you believe the school has gone too far in this situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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