Purple Butterfly Sticker and its Meaning

In the face of tragedy, a simple sticker can make all the difference. Just ask Millie Smith and Lewis Cann, who tragically lost one of their twin baby girls shortly after birth. The grieving parents found solace in creating a symbol that would help other families going through the same heartbreak. And that symbol is a purple butterfly.

A Heartbreaking Loss

In November 2015, Millie Smith and Lewis Cann were overjoyed to learn that they were expecting twin girls. But their excitement was short-lived when, during a routine scan, they discovered that one of the babies had a fatal condition and would not survive. Little did they know that this devastating news would drive them to create something meaningful for others facing a similar loss.

Skye’s Legacy

On April 30, after 30 weeks of a high-risk pregnancy, Millie gave birth to identical twins, Callie and Skye. Sadly, Skye lived for only three hours. As Callie slept in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a well-meaning mother of healthy newborn twins innocently remarked to Millie how lucky she was to only have one baby. Crushed by the words, Millie couldn’t find the strength to explain her loss. But in that moment, she realized that Skye’s legacy was to help other families cope with the pain of losing a child.

The Purple Butterfly

Millie came up with the idea of a purple butterfly sticker to signify the loss of a baby within a set of multiples. She carefully chose butterflies as the symbol because they represent the babies that “flew away,” and the color purple because it is suitable for both boys and girls. The purple butterfly concept, now known as the Skye High Foundation, has since spread to hospitals around the world, offering comfort and understanding to grieving parents.

Spreading Awareness

The impact of the purple butterfly sticker cannot be understated. It serves as a visual reminder for hospital personnel and visitors that a family has experienced the devastating loss of a child. The Skye High Foundation has expanded its efforts, creating purple butterfly cards, ornaments, blankets, and stuffed animals to further support families mourning the loss of a baby.

A Message of Hope and Compassion

Losing a child is unimaginably difficult for any parent. That’s why people like Millie Smith, who dedicate themselves to helping others in their time of need, are true blessings to the world. Let us all share this story so that others are aware of what a purple butterfly sticker near a newborn represents. Together, we can offer support, understanding, and love to those who have experienced this heartbreaking loss.