Love knows no boundaries, and this heartwarming story proves just that. Meet John and Phyllis Cook, a couple who found love in an unlikely place – a senior care facility. What makes their story extra special? Well, they are not your typical starry-eyed young couple. John and Phyllis are both over 100 years old!

Their journey began when they became neighbors at the Kingston Residence in Sylvania, Ohio. Living just one floor apart, they quickly formed a deep connection. Phyllis, who is turning 103 this summer, enthusiastically shared, “To tell you the truth, we fell in love with each other. I know you think that may be a little bit far-fetched for somebody our age, but we fell in love with each other.” John, a 100-year-old WWII veteran, chimed in, saying that they were compatible in many ways and enjoyed each other’s company. Both of them had experienced the loss of their previous spouses, having been married twice before.

One might assume that their companionship only revolves around playing Bingo, but that’s not the case. When asked about their favorite activities, John playfully replied, “Well, I probably shouldn’t talk about that.” Phyllis, on the other hand, with her candidness, said, “He’s not completely dead sexually, and neither am I!” However, as a devoted Christian, she believed in the importance of marriage before intimacy. Understanding her values, John wanted to do the right thing, and the couple decided to tie the knot.

With excitement in their hearts, they headed to the courthouse to get their marriage certificate. Little did they know that they would exit as a married couple. John shared, “It wasn’t the plan, but we got here, and they said we could marry you here.” Eager to start their married life, he added, “I said ‘good, let’s get it over with.’”

Despite their age, John and Phyllis have good genes on their side. Phyllis’ mother lived to the remarkable age of 106, giving them hope for many joyful years ahead together.

This beautiful love story is a testament to the fact that new beginnings and romances have no age limit. John and Phyllis show us that love can find us at any stage of life. However, they also understand the importance of personal space and have decided to keep their own apartments. They believe that there’s no need to rush things.

Let’s wish the newlyweds a long and happy marriage! Share their heartwarming story and remind everyone that love is timeless.

Watch their incredible love story here: