We all know that birth can be messy and unpredictable. And that’s exactly what Amy Hill experienced when her 10-year-old sheep, Dotty, was expecting lambs.

Dotty had given birth before, always having healthy offspring. So there was no reason to think anything would go wrong. But this time, something was different.

At Sonwy River Farms in Nova Scotia, Canada, where animals are raised without genetically modified crops, Dotty held a special place in Amy’s heart. She was Amy’s first female sheep, “my best ewe friend and she means the world to me,” Amy wrote on Facebook.

But one morning, Amy found Dotty unable to move. She quickly realized something was seriously wrong. Amy suspected Dotty had pregnancy toxemia, a potentially dangerous illness for ewes carrying multiple lambs.

Amy rushed to the vet clinic to get the necessary medicine and administered it to Dotty. Then, all she could do was wait.

Days passed, and Dotty didn’t show any signs of improvement. Amy checked on the lambs and realized there was no movement in Dotty’s stomach. The situation looked grim.

“The thought that we may need to put her down all of a sudden has consumed me,” Amy wrote on Facebook. She gave Dotty a shot as a last-ditch effort, hoping it would help her pass the lambs on her own to avoid infection.

But just when Amy was prepared to spend her last day with Dotty, everything changed. As she approached Dotty’s pen, she noticed something on the straw—movements. Four little lambs were lying by Dotty’s side, active, healthy, and hungry.

“I am floored,” Amy wrote. “The relief that my girl is still with us and that she has blessed us with four beautiful babies is overwhelming in the best of ways.”

Dotty has certainly earned her retirement with these quadruplets, and Amy says this will be her last pregnancy. She can now enjoy a relaxing life on the charming farm.

Isn’t it wonderful to see how this story ended? Share it on Facebook so more people can meet Dotty and her little miracles!

Amy and Dotty
Farm scene
Amy holding Dotty
Four little lambs
Dotty with her babies
Dotty in the field