A photo of a giant python with a bulging belly has captured the internet’s attention, leading to a lively discussion about the contents of its mysterious meal. The picture was shared by Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers on Facebook, after a local resident sent it in. The snake can be seen lounging in the garage after enjoying its snack.

The post on Facebook exclaimed, “What did this snake eat?! Wowzas!” The snake catchers thanked one of their followers, Paul, for sharing this incredible photo of a python with a belly full of food. According to Paul, the snake had devoured a large possum. The snake appeared to be quite content, as it lay there for the next few days digesting its massive meal.

This time of year, during the warm summer months, snakes like the one in the photo are out and about on the Sunshine Coast. Sunshine Coast Snake Catcher Stuart McKenzie explained that the breeding season is over, and the snakes are now on the hunt for a substantial feeding. McKenzie advised people to be mindful of their pets and ensure they are kept inside during this period. He warned that encountering snakes with full bellies is a common occurrence this time of year, particularly pythons measuring up to three meters in length.

As for the question raised by many curious followers, McKenzie said, “The photo angle may make the python look larger, but personally, I believe it ate a big brush-tailed possum.” He also emphasized that pythons pose little threat unless provoked, so it’s best to maintain a safe distance and leave them be.

The post generated numerous speculative comments, with many doubting that the snake had actually feasted on a possum. Some argued that the meal in question appeared more like a small dog, goat, or even a pig.

What do I do if someone gets bitten by a snake?

If someone is bitten by a snake, it is crucial to take immediate action. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Keep the person at rest, reassured, and under observation.

  • Dial 000 to call emergency services.

  • Do not wash the venom off the skin or clothes.

  • If necessary, begin CPR with 30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths.

  • If the bite is on a limb, apply a firm bandage on the site. Make sure to immobilize the limb and keep the person still.

  • Start bandaging from the foot or hand, moving towards the heart, covering as much of the limb as possible. If available, use a splint to keep the limb immobile.

  • Remain with the person, keeping them calm and reassured, until medical attention arrives.

What do I do if my pet gets bitten by a snake?

If your pet gets bitten by a snake, it is important to seek emergency veterinary care as soon as possible. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep your pet calm and quiet.
  2. Take them to the vet immediately. 3.Call the vet ahead of time for advice and so the vet can prepare.

Look out for the following symptoms in your pet:

  • Sudden weakness followed by collapse, which may be followed by temporary recovery
  • Muscle twitching or shaking and reduced blinking
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Dilated pupils
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
  • Bleeding from the nose, mouth, or snake bite site
  • Loss of appetite, especially in cats
  • Dark colored urine, often bloody

It is always better to take precautionary measures and ensure the safety of both humans and animals during snake season.