Michael Strahan recently provided an update on his daughter Isabella’s battle with a brain tumor. Isabella, who is only 20 years old, was recently hospitalized after starting chemotherapy. Despite experiencing a fever that comes and goes, Strahan remains hopeful that she will be able to come home soon.

As a parent, Strahan admits that it has been tough to see his daughter go through this difficult journey. However, he is quick to highlight Isabella’s resilience and strength. According to him, she is a tough young lady who is determined to fight against this disease.

Isabella herself has been sharing her experiences on her YouTube vlog. In one of her episodes, she disclosed that her first round of chemotherapy was extremely challenging and one of the most difficult things she has ever experienced. She expressed surprise at how others had made it seem easier.

She revealed that the entire experience was quite uncomfortable, not expecting the feeling of “poison” being introduced into her body. Isabella has been in excruciating pain, suffering from headaches, jaw discomfort, and other symptoms. The pain was so severe that she compared it to having all her teeth forcefully removed and put back in her mouth without any pain relief.

Isabella and her father initially shared the news of her cancer diagnosis during an emotional interview on “Good Morning America” in January. Doctors had informed her that she had a malignant brain tumor called a medulloblastoma. Since then, Isabella has undergone radiation treatment and even froze her eggs as a precautionary measure.

Despite the challenges, both Michael Strahan and Isabella remain hopeful and determined to overcome this difficult time. Their strength and positivity serve as an inspiration to others going through similar battles.