In the mid-1990s, Sharon Stone’s career skyrocketed with the success of her movie “Basic Instinct.” However, the fame that followed became so overwhelming that she found herself in a situation she never could have imagined. During the infamous 1994 O.J. Simpson car chase, the Los Angeles Police Department had to put Stone in lockdown for her own safety.

In a recent interview with InStyle, Stone shared the startling revelation that the police dispatched a squad to her home and gave her just ten minutes to pack a suitcase. She was then moved to a hotel where she would be protected. At the time, the LAPD officer told Stone, “He’s dangerous, and we don’t know how dangerous, and we don’t know what this is.” Stone had no connection to Simpson, but her fame had attracted so much chaos that she didn’t question going into hiding.

During the car chase involving Simpson, Stone was safely tucked away in the hotel. The police positioned an officer near the reception area and another outside her door, ensuring that Simpson wouldn’t target her. It was a shocking turn of events for Stone, but she understood that her newfound fame came at a price.

While discussing her experiences, Stone candidly remarked, “[The police] were like, ‘Find a secure house behind a gate.’” The demand for increased security was just one of the many challenges she faced amidst her fame. Stone wryly pointed out the financial burden of fame, sharing how she would go out to dinner with a group, and inevitably end up paying the hefty bill. Being famous wasn’t just glamorous; it came with its own set of expenses.

Stone also highlighted how the perception of fame has evolved over time. She mentioned how now people understand that Jennifer Lawrence or Nicole Kidman can’t just hop onto an airplane or travel incognito. Even for Stone, with her international recognition, it’s not that simple. She humorously quipped, “It’s tampons, Q-tips, and Sharon Stone” – a testament to her wide-reaching fame.

In addition to her experiences with the perils of fame, Stone revealed in the interview that she keeps a private list of men in Hollywood who have wronged her. She recounted an incident where one of the people on her list approached her and asked for an opportunity to address any wrongdoing. Stone gave him two choices: “Stand up, or I’m going to start explaining out loud to everybody here what it is that you did.” This empowered response showcases Stone’s resilience against harassment.

Sharon Stone’s journey from fame to hiding during the O.J. Simpson car chase sheds light on the challenges faced by celebrities. It reminds us that fame isn’t always glamorous and can come with its share of dangers. While it may have been a tumultuous time for Stone, she has emerged stronger and continues to navigate the intricacies of Hollywood with grace.

Check out InStyle’s website for the full interview with Sharon Stone.