A waitress in Colorado recently took to social media to share an important lesson about working in the service industry. Taylar Cordova, after receiving no tip on a $187.43 bill, decided to snap a photo of the receipt and post it on Facebook. Her heartfelt message shed light on the challenges of being a waiter or waitress.

In her Facebook post, Cordova didn’t just criticize the customer who stiffed her, but also addressed those who choose not to tip at all. She explained the significant impact that this decision can have on a server’s livelihood.

When you choose not to tip, you may not realize that you’re leaving someone to struggle with bills piling up. That tip money could have gone towards providing food for the week for our families, who often go without because we rely on tips. Even just a small amount could make a difference in providing basic necessities for my daughter.

Cordova continued by highlighting the low base pay that servers receive, typically ranging from $2 to $5 per hour, depending on the employer. She encouraged people to consider how they would manage if they were paid such a low wage, especially when it comes to feeding and supporting their families. The reality is, tipping is crucial for many service industry workers to make ends meet.

The U.S. Department of Labor supports Cordova’s claims, stating that employers are only required to pay a minimum of $2.13 per hour in direct wages if the employee’s tips add up to at least the federal minimum wage.

To conclude her post, Cordova offered a simple but powerful piece of advice. “If you can’t afford to tip, then don’t even bother going out to eat. There’s always a more affordable option like McDonald’s nearby if you’re trying to save money.”

Cordova’s message struck a chord with the public, as her Facebook post has been shared over 15,000 times. It serves as a reminder to consider the impact of our actions on those who work tirelessly to provide excellent service.