Deciding to remove a loved one from life support can be an agonizing decision, especially when the prognosis is grim. Ryan Finley faced this heart-wrenching choice when his wife, Jill, fell into a coma. Despite the odds and the medical staff’s grim diagnosis, Ryan refused to give up hope.

Immediately after discovering Jill unconscious and unresponsive, Ryan sprang into action. He performed CPR, desperately hoping for her recovery. Thanks to the timely arrival of paramedics, Jill was resuscitated and rushed to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital.

Jill’s condition was critical, and her brain needed protection from further damage caused by oxygen deprivation. She slipped into an unconscious state, and the outlook appeared bleak. The medical staff advised Ryan to consider removing Jill from life support.

In his diary, Ryan poured out his anguish over the heartbreaking decision he faced. He grappled with the weight of his wife’s desires, ultimately making the painful choice to let Jill go rather than prolong her agony.

As the family gathered to say their final goodbyes, the life support machine was turned off. But something unexpected happened. Jill began murmuring, expressing her wish to visit her favorite Mexican restaurants, Ted’s or Melting Pot, before asking her husband to take her away.

Ryan, although saddened, had faith in Jill’s resilience. And his optimism was rewarded. Jill not only survived but also underwent a successful heart surgery and a lengthy recovery. For the first time, she could breathe independently.

While her journey to recovery was remarkable, Jill had no memory of her time in the coma. She did, however, struggle with short-term memory loss and had difficulty pronouncing certain words. Yet, the incredible advancements in medical technology and the unwavering support of her family had given her a second chance at life.

Jill’s story is a testament to the power of hope and resilience. Despite the difficulties she faced, she emerged stronger, with a renewed appreciation for each day. Even in the face of the coronavirus and the loss of her husband and sister, Jill’s determination allowed her to overcome and embrace this new lease on life. Her overall health was satisfactory, and she eagerly embraced the opportunity given to her.

With her daughter by her side throughout the challenging journey, Jill cherishes their unbreakable bond. Every minute spent together holds a special meaning, as they no longer take anything for granted. Jill’s experience has provided her with a newfound perspective, understanding the preciousness of life.

Watch the inspiring video below to learn more about Jill’s extraordinary story. And don’t forget to share it with your friends and family on Facebook!