The elderly individuals in our society are a vulnerable part of the population and demand respect for their time on earth. This is why one paramedic’s actions not only infuriated the son of a deceased elderly woman but also has the internet up in arms.

On June 29, 2022, a much-loved great-grandmother, who was 94 years old and lived alone, became ill at her home in the garden and lost consciousness. Four paramedics were called to her home in Torrin Drive, Shrewsbury, England.

They did their best to save her life using advanced life support, but sadly and eventually, she was declared dead at the scene. The deceased elderly woman is survived by her son, Mike Drage.

After the old lady passed away, one of the paramedics, 58-year-old Mark Titley, went into her house to find a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form but found something else instead. Titley walked in, dressed in his paramedic gear with his blue plastic gloves on, looking around the house as he did so.

Almost immediately as he entered, he noticed something on a desk. Without hesitation, the paramedic walked straight toward it with what looked to be a curious demeanor.

It was money lying unattended in a box made of plastic, and while there was a brief pause of consideration, he eventually picked up the bills and began counting them. Folding some bills up, he placed some of the money into his pocket, putting the rest back onto the table.

Still, with his hand in his pocket, he began to look around the room only to spot and look straight into a camera. He immediately looked shocked as his eyes widened.

Titley then immediately put the money back, appearing to try and organize it to look identical to before he originally pocketed some of the cash. Still, with a somewhat stunned look, Titley walked around to the desk and made his way to the camera.

The son…has an entirely different view of how the justice system worked in this case.

The crime came to light after the son came across the moment in the footage and reported it. While Titley denied his transgression at first, saying he was attempting to keep the money safe, which stood at £60,00, safe for the deceased’s relatives, he eventually confessed.

Consequently, Shrewsbury Crown Court sentenced Titley to a victim surcharge of £187, £530 in costs, and 120 hours of work that would not be compensated for.

The court also suspended an 18-week sentence for almost stealing approximately $60.00 from the deceased elderly ladies’ home. The sentence is suspended for a year’s length. It has since been found that Titley retired soon after the incident.

Nathan Hudson, the Assistant chief ambulance officer, was highly unimpressed by his former colleague, stating that all Titley’s fellow paramedics would be shocked that one of their own did this and that he regrets how much of a stain it would put on those in his profession. However, he said he was glad the justice system came into play. Hudson stated:

“We are pleased that this was taken to court and dealt with by the criminal justice system.”

The son, however, who said viewing the footage made him ill, has an entirely different view of the way the justice system worked in this regard. Drage believes that this now-ex-paramedic received a light sentence.

Drage decided to air his frustrations on Facebook. He uploaded the recorded footage of the paramedic stealing his grandmother’s money and how he believes he got off easy, writing:

“Whilst my mother was being given CPR by the other Paramedics. This happened!!! Mark Titley, 58, of Linley Avenue Ponstbury, retired from the NHS the week after on full NHS pension, denied the crime at his 1st court appearance, then received a suspended sentence and 120 hrs community work from his 2nd appearance in court.”

The post, only shared four days ago, has amassed around 17,000 reactions and 257,000 views. On top of this, there are nearly 1000 comments, most of which support Drage.

There was a mixture of emotions from Facebook commenters, filled with a conglomeration of rage, shock, sadness, and compassion:

“Absolutely shocking, we’re supposed to be able to trust these people in our homes 😢so sorry to hear about your mum…”

– (Paige Finlayson) April 9, 2023

“I have worked in hospital for the last 16 years n I have honestly treated every patient as if I was treating my own mother ,,, this is disgusting …. Hope u get justice xx ”

– (Carley Hill) April 9, 2023

“OMG that is so disgusting..The poor woman was dying at the time. How low can you get…”

– (Ellie Biggs ) April 10, 2023

“this just makes one think who can we trust any more in public services”

– (p rees) April 8, 2023

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