Sir Tom Jones and Melinda Rose “Linda” Woodward originally met when they were children. It was a once-in-a-lifetime love, and they went on a wonderful journey together. Unfortunately, this adventure, like all others, had to come to an end.

Continue reading to find out more about their disastrous romance…


The age difference between Sir Tom Jones and Melinda Rose “Linda” Woodward was only seven months. They met when they were both 12 years old, but it wasn’t until three years later, when they were fifteen, that the famous singer asked Linda out.

Tom was smitten with her and would plan his travels to the shop to coincide with hers in order to run into her. Linda had multiple suitors vying for her attention.

Later in his autobiography, “Over the Top and Back: The Remarkable Autobiography from a National Treasure,” Tom stated that he was in the right location at the right moment. And he fended off all other competition because Linda liked him back, although he mentioned it there.

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Even before their relationship became serious, Tom was profoundly in love with Linda. When Tom was bedridden with tuberculosis, he still felt an anguish within since he couldn’t see Linda. “I longed to be with this person; even at 11 or 12 years old, I had a pain in my chest for this person,” he explained. I was eager to get out of bed…and see this girl.”

Linda told Tom she had missed her period when they were about 15 years old. He believed she was only late, but it turned out she was pregnant. Tom wanted to marry Linda right away, but she couldn’t because she wasn’t yet 16 years old.

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The couple also had other concerns about their decision, such as not having a place to reside until they married.

Linda’s parents agreed to their marriage when she became 16 years old. They did, however, live separately following their weddings with their respective parents.

On March 2, 1957, in a fairly basic ceremony held in a plain room. When the kid was born, the singer was not present at the hospital with his wife. He called twice to check on her and was told on the second call, “Congratulations, your wife has given birth to a baby boy.”

He later paid her a visit to meet the baby and brought Linda some fruits.


Tom remembers how it felt the first time he held his kid. He had an intense flood of emotions that he had never experienced before. They gave their son the name Mark Woodward.

Tom Jones admitted to being a “lady’s man” in his song “The Road,” which was published in 2008. He stresses, though, that he always returns home to his wife.

The singer’s actions were widely publicised; it was rumoured that he hosted groupies and young women competing for the singer’s attention. During his lothario stage, he also admitted to sleeping with around 250 women in a year.

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Linda, on the other hand, put up with everything. “Our marriage overcame everything else,” Tom remarked of their marriage in an interview. I never wanted to abandon her, and she never wanted to abandon me…”Look, as long as you come back home to me,” she remarked.

In an interview, Tom stated that even after 60 years of marriage, the two of them were still madly in love.

A romantic at heart, the musician even saved the telephone box where he and Linda used to kiss at the end of their Treforest street. When he learned that the council intended to demolish it, he grabbed it and installed it next to his pool in Los Angeles.

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When Tom went on tour or filming shows like “The Voice” in London, the couple would be apart for months. Linda liked to maintain a low profile and stay to herself while her husband was pursued by the media and a well-known public figure.

Jo Mills, the wife of Tom’s late manager Gordon Mills, claims that if Tom had incorporated Linda in his wife, she would have willingly participated. “I think from the beginning, Linda was made to feel as if she couldn’t exist in his life,” Mills said. It’s a shame since she’s a nice, warm person.”

Jones revealed in his autobiography that Linda was agoraphobic and had emphysema. He also revealed details about her depression, which she had endured throughout her childhood.

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Linda, according to Tom, had lost her spark and ceased looking and acting like herself. Nonetheless, she remained the most significant person in Tom’s life.

Linda had previously battled cancer twice by 2014, and the disease took her life in 2016. Tom described her death as hasty because the lung cancer was detected late.

Jones warned his son during one of Linda’s early cancer scares that if Linda died, he would no longer be able to sing. In response, his son Mark stated that they would have to ensure Linda’s survival.

Linda’s family knew the third time she was diagnosed with was the final time, and she was acutely aware that her time on earth was coming to an end. Jones recalls an emotional conversation with his wife during which he remarked, “‘Linda, you know this cancer is incurable, right?…Look, I have no idea what I’m doing.

Tom was back on the road four weeks after Linda died. He stated that imagining Linda with him made it simpler for him to perform.

He still has difficulty singing songs that his late wife enjoyed. However, the singer finds solace in music and believes that this is what his wife would want him to do. He stated that “music is saving my life.”

She, on the other hand, made Tom and Mark swear to live on. She encouraged them to keep on for her sake and in her memory. “You’ve got to do it,” she added, according to Tom. You can’t fall in love with me. I must depart, but you are not required to do so. You have to keep going. You still have the ability to sing. You must guarantee it to me.”

She had a strong desire to return to the United Kingdom before being diagnosed. She requested that Tom grant her wish. Tom later achieved this goal by selling their $7.1 million mansion and returning to the UK.

Linda died on April 10, 2016, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles. Her struggle with cancer was brief but ferocious.

Jones was inconsolable and aimless after her death. “She was a part of me, and I was a part of her,” he explained.Part of me perished along with her. It took me a long time to try to fight back and feel entire again.”

He said that he would see or hear her in bed, but when he opened his eyes, she was gone.