There isn’t a single person in the world who doesn’t need a vacation. No matter if you haven’t had one in a long time or if your plane just touched the ground back home, it always feels like we need just a little more time off. Do you know what could make you feel a little less sorry for yourself? Looking at other people who went on vacation and had a really bad time. You’re welcome.

Kissing Dolphins

Ever since he could remember, the guy in this picture had one dream and one dream only, he wanted to swim with dolphins. He finally got to do it and was excited to have someone document the whole thing for him.

But his magical moment turned into an awkward and uncomfortable picture. It looks more like he’s kissing the dolphin than swimming with it.

Just My Luck

This photo is beautiful, so what seems to be the problem? Well, this was this person’s first time ever in the Grand Canyon but it turned out that for him, it was more like Grand Can’tyon, because it was so cloudy and foggy he couldn’t see a thing.

Kind of disappointing, especially if this person traveled from afar. We really hope this person got a chance to go again and see the spectacular view without anything getting in the way.

Bunk Beds

While this does make for a fantastic photo opportunity, you must be wondering, “weren’t there other good trees to hang all those hammocks?”

This arrangement works pretty well, so long as the people up top aren’t afraid of heights. Just remember what goes up, must come down!

Don’t Shoot!

Pictured are two species fighting for their lives and their rights: the common human and the Lekking Capercaillie. The big grouse did not consent to being photographed by this photographer, which is why it can be seen fighting for its right to privacy.

Alamy Stock Photo

The photographer wasn’t about to give up without a fight, and luckily, another photographer was in the neighbored and captured this epic battle for all of us to see.

Old Age Failure

It’s not just youngsters and families that go on vacation and take funny photos of themselves. Seniors can do that too.

Alamy Stock Photo

This group of retired ladies decided it was about time to take themselves out on a lovely, relaxing beach vacation. Just like most of us, they found themselves falling into the water and laughing hysterically. This makes for a funny holiday photo, one that must have great memories attached to it.

That’s Just Creepy

Sure, it’s a free country. This man has every right to build a tent, sit in it, and weirdly stare out of it. But, just because you have the right to do something, that doesn’t mean you should exercise that right.

Alamy Stock Photo

Also, you can’t be surprised if others who are camping with you will take a picture and share it with the whole world. You brought it on yourself.

Oh, Sheep!

It’s funny to think that people go out to be in nature, where all kinds of animals run free, but then they are surprised or they complain when all of a sudden they see said animals touching their stuff or munching on their food.

Alamy Stock Photo

While this camping family went hiking, the brave sheep used the opportunity to try to get herself a snack. One of the campers caught her but decided taking a timeless picture is better than saving even the most delicious food.

Falling Down

Tents are harder to pitch than they seem. They should be easy to build as anyone is supposed to be able to erect them while outside in nature. But, alas, they just aren’t. These two people thought they had it covered, so they built the tent to the best of their ability and then went to bed.

Alamy Stock Photo

Only they woke up with the whole tent on top of them, including a hole so that everyone could see their defeated faces. This is definitely one holiday gone extremely wrong.

Everything’s Fine

Some people are just masters at making the best out of everything. Take this beer-loving fellow for example.

Getty Images Photo by MJ Kim

This flooded campsite is a sure way of ruining his entire camping experience, but he refused to let that bother him. As long as he has his drink and his floating matters, nothing can bring him down. He even posed for the photo, showing us all that nothing will ruin his day.

Don’t Drop the Baby

This guy had one simple task: just hold the baby and don’t drop it. Not ever, but especially not while the family photo is being taken. But, alas, many times it’s exactly the thing that we wish would never happen that ends up happening.

And so we have this half-funny half-terrifying vacation picture. The baby is ok, but it’s still a not-so-great holiday photo.

Sleeping in a Bag in a Car

When you know you won’t be able to pitch that tent before it gets dark and you’re camping with children, sometimes you just have to come up with creative solutions. In this case, the problem was a very tired child, and the solution was the trunk of the car.

Getty Images Photo by Aaron McCoy

Now, the parents thought it would make for the sweetest vacation photo, but it just makes it seem as if their family vacation was a lot less than ideal.

A Stubborn Donkey

A very important rule for a camping holiday is that you should never leave your food outside. Why? Well, because sooner rather than later either a different camper, the elements, or a wild animal will get to it.

Alamy Stock Photo

In this unlikely case, it was a donkey who found the campsite food and got to enjoy it while the unsuspecting campers were out and about. Now, why is this person taking a picture of it instead of stopping the donkey?

Sleep Walking

Camping during the winter means cold weather, and cold weather means you forget about what’s pretty and attractive and go straight for the thing that will keep you warm.

Alamy Stock Photo

Yes, even if the thing that will keep you warm is a sleeping bag suit. But, if you do end up wearing something like that while on vacation, maybe it’s not the best idea to document it and post it online for everyone to see.

The Goat Got It

When going on holiday, it’s important to remember that there are many reasons why you don’t want to leave your stuff unsupervised in nature. One of these reasons is that you don’t want random goats to come in and eat your food, or your… paper towels? We’re not sure what prompted the goat to eat paper, but we hope it knows what it is doing.

Getty Images Photo by Jason Jones Travel Photography

Either way, the person who snapped this picture got an amazing photo to put in the vacation family album.

Too Much Stuff

A big part of going on holiday, especially if we’re going out to nature is learning how to live without all the things we’re so used to living with. It’s all about learning we can make do with a lot less.

Getty Images Photo by XiXinXing

But, not everyone got the memo. This family packed everything and then some. The poor children were the ones who were tasked with taking everything out of the car. This resulted in a funny vacation photo, one that seems more like work and less like a holiday.

What Happens at the Campsite…

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and we have a feeling the same rule should be applied to a camping vacation. These two fellows were bored out of their minds, which could happen if you are out in nature and don’t have your phone to entertain you.

Getty Images Photo by PeopleImages

They found a wig and some type of wheel cart, and the results can be seen in this picture. What can we say? At least it looks like they are having fun. Still, it’s not the vacation photo we’d choose to post online.

A Hug From an Elephant

Being hugged by an elephant, is that considered lucky? Do elephants hug humans on a regular basis? Since we don’t get to interact with elephants too often, we don’t know.

Getty Images Photo by Cavan Images

But, despite the fact this guy seems like he finds the whole interaction awkward, we have a feeling that deep down inside he’s happy to get a hug from an elephant. How many people can add that to their list of life experiences?

A Very Possessed Holiday

One way of understanding this picture is to think this little guy is so over having to spend time with his family that he’s not afraid to let it show. But, what if there’s something more sinister involved? Is it possible that this little boy is possessed? When will his family finally notice?

And what will they do to try and help him? Man, now we wish this were a movie we could watch so that we’d get to see the ending.

PDA? No Way

This cute little couple knew that when couples go on vacation, they take adorable pictures of themselves so that can upload them to Instagram and make everyone jealous. But, if they had to be honest, they’d admit they aren’t really big on posing or on public displays of affection.

They just weren’t sure how to get it right, which is how they got this funny photo. But, at least they are self-aware and have a sense of humor, they posted this picture and poked fun at themselves.

Jesus, Is that You?

This couple decided they should take a cute picture of themselves with this beautiful Jesus statue. They had no idea they were being photobombed by a guy in the back.


Funnily enough, the photobomber happens to look like a reincarnation of Jesus himself, and he also stood right in front of the statue, making it a lot more life-like than what the couple excepted. What could have been a forgettable picture ended up being an epic one.

The Cruise

Families of alternative bikers go on vacations too! And when they take a holiday picture of themselves, that’s what it looks like!


According to the guy holding the camera, named Jeff, the reason why they all look so sad is that the cruise they were on is over and now they have to get back to the airport. We all know that terrible feeling when you know your holiday is about to end and you have to get back to real life.