Adopting a child who is in need of a loving home is one of the kindest things you can do. A child finding out they are getting adopted after spending so much time in foster care is amazing.

The reaction this adorable little boy had to the news of him finally getting adopted really shows how important adoption is.

Michael Brown is a 3-year-old from Phoenix, Arizona. Little Michael has spent over two years of his short life in foster care. But now he finally has a family he can call his own.

Michael was being fostered by Tara Montgomery, a single mother of three other children. Montgomery’s initial plan was to reunite Michael with his birth mother.

She said, “his original case plan was reunification with his ‘bio-mom.’ When that plan failed, a new plan was set.”

Then Michael’s adoption was made official with all the proper documents. He had a loving home with the Montgomery family forever. And his reaction to the news was adorable. They took pictures of Michael and his new family to commemorate the special occasion. The pictures were posted on Twitter and went viral after!

“The photos are the definition of his personality,” his new-mom stated. “He couldn’t help but let everyone know that he was being adopted today. We are so happy to have Michael in our lives.”

Montgomery said she took the pictures and they posted them online to encourage other families to adopt children. She said, “If you are thinking about it, just do it. The impact you are making will last a lifetime on the child.”

What a sweet message to share with thousands of people. Indeed, adopting a child is a great act of kindness and love.

We wish Michael and his new ‘forever family’ a lot of love.

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