What Miranda Lambert *Truly* Feels About Gwen Stefani

Miranda Lambert, recognized as a talented country singer, had a past with fellow musician Blake Shelton. While their relationship once seemed strong, they faced difficulties and eventually went through a public divorce. Shortly after their split, Blake Shelton began dating Gwen Stefani, stirring curiosity about Miranda’s true feelings towards the new couple. Let’s dig in to find out what we know.

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert’s Relationship Insights

Rumors circulated that Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani’s relationship may have started before Blake’s divorce from Miranda. They had worked closely together as judges on *The Voice* during Shelton’s marriage. Despite the whispers, Blake and Miranda have denied any infidelity. Some reports indicated that the couple may have struggled to agree on having children. A source in 2015 mentioned, “Blake is eager to have children, but she really enjoys not being tied down.” It appears they were on different timelines.

On the other hand, it was reported that Blake suspected Miranda of seeing someone else. Trust issues seemed to have played a role in their separation.

Miranda Lambert’s Initial Reaction Revealed

Before the official end of their marriage, Miranda had already sensed something between Blake and Gwen. According to a source, Miranda believed that there had been an ongoing connection between the two for quite some time. Another source stated that Miranda wasn’t surprised when Blake and Gwen officially got together, as they had always exchanged flirtatious banter. It seems that their relationship was already in a fragile state, and both Miranda and Blake were aware of the potential outcome.

In 2017, reports suggested that the bitterness between Miranda and Blake was still present. Their divorce came as a surprise to Miranda, and it seemed that there was unresolved anger between them. Miranda was hurt by how Blake promptly moved on with Gwen in such a public manner.

Miranda Lambert’s Peaceful Outlook Emerges

While it remains uncertain whether Blake and Gwen’s romance began before or after his divorce from Miranda, it’s understandable that Miranda would be bothered by how quickly he moved on. However, reports indicate that Miranda holds no negative feelings towards Gwen.

In fact, Miranda and Gwen have mutual respect for each other’s talent and music. They are fans of one another and maintain a positive view. Miranda has always admired Gwen and her talent, and the feeling is mutual. They support each other’s happiness and consciously avoid drama.

It’s important to highlight that Miranda herself has moved on since her divorce. She entered a new chapter in her life, marrying Brendan McLoughlin from the New York City Police Department in 2019. Miranda appears to be content and happily married.

Miranda’s focus centers around her own happiness and career, and she harbors no ill will towards Gwen. Both women genuinely wish each other the best.