John Legend, the talented and beloved singer, is not only adored by his fans but also by his closest neighbors. However, even with all the love and support he receives, Legend finds himself feeling a little embarrassed at times, thanks to his adorable kids.

In a recent appearance on The Late Late Show With James Corden, Legend shared some amusing experiences he’s had with his children that make him feel a bit ashamed. Legend and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, are proud parents of three children. Their son, Miles, was born in 2018, followed by their daughter, Luna, in 2016. Their newest addition, Esti, arrived just a few months ago. The couple openly discussed the heartbreak of a previous loss, making Esti’s arrival even more special for them.

One of the funny anecdotes Legend shared was about their morning routine when he drops his kids off at school. Every day, his children insist on playing his music in the car. “Especially my son,” Legend chuckled, “He’s like a little Rain Man when it comes to song lengths. He knows every one of my songs and even remembers how long each one is. Like, ‘Actually, ‘Green Light’ is a little longer than this one. It’s 3:19.’”

Can you imagine how awkward it must be for Legend to blast his own music while dropping off his kids at school? To make it even more cringe-worthy, there are other famous children, like Jay-Z and Beyonce’s kids, who also attend the same school. “I’m pulling up with the music blaring, and it’s just so embarrassing,” confessed Legend. “No, Jay-Z isn’t playing ‘Reasonable Doubt’ for his kids in the car, at least not that I’ve heard.” It’s reassuring to know that even superstar parents like Legend can feel self-conscious in front of other parents!

Recently, the couple revealed the name of their daughter, Esti. Teigen shared that they came up with the name while on vacation in Italy. “I kept seeing the word Este as I looked up at the hotel where we were getting married,” she explained. “And I thought, ‘I love the name Este.’” Little did they know that the name had a more significant meaning. Teigen added, “After we named her Esti, John found out that it was his great-grandmother’s name. It was initially Esther until they changed it to Esti.” What a wonderful family connection!

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, and their kids are undeniably a beautiful and special family. Their heartwarming story is one that brings a smile to our faces. So why not share their lovely experiences with others and spread the joy? After all, who doesn’t love relatable parenting moments from one of the world’s top singers?