Let’s talk about love in Hollywood. We all know that marriages in the glitz and glamour world can often fizzle out, leaving us skeptical about the idea of lasting relationships. But amidst all the chaos, there’s one couple who has defied the odds and captured our hearts: Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.

Their love story started long before they could have ever expected. Sedgwick first saw Bacon when she was just 12 years old, during a trip to the movies with her brother. They stumbled upon a film with Bacon, and little did she know, this chance encounter would have a profound impact on their future.

Ten years later, fate stepped in once again. Both Bacon and Sedgwick found themselves working on the film Lemon Sky. Despite Sedgwick’s initial lack of attraction, Bacon was captivated by her right from the start.

“I wasn’t exactly his type,” Sedgwick confessed with a hint of amusement. “I remember stealing a glance at him as he walked away and thinking, ‘Well, I guess some girls like that.’”

After overcoming their initial differences, the couple started dating and eventually got married in 1988. Today, they have two children: Travis Sedgwick Bacon, a talented solo musician, and Sosie Ruth, a rising star in the film industry, following in her parents’ footsteps.

Now, after an incredible 34 years of marriage, Bacon and Sedgwick are still as infatuated with each other as they were on the first day. Bacon never misses a chance to shower his wife with adoration, and Sedgwick feels like the most beautiful woman in the room whenever she’s with him.

When asked about the secret to their enduring relationship, Bacon replied, “Don’t listen to celebrities on how to stay married.” But the truth lies in their unwavering love and respect for each other.

“He is a man of integrity. His moral compass is unshakeable. He is honest, faithful, and that, my friends, is undeniably attractive,” Sedgwick shared. “I’m continually amazed by Kevin’s calmness and the absence of drama.”

During an appearance on the television show “Finding Your Roots,” an astonishing revelation came to light: Bacon and Sedgwick were ninth cousins. Though it was initially surprising, they soon realized that their familial connection was incredibly distant.

Further exploration of Bacon’s family tree uncovered a surprising lineage – his 22nd great grandfather was none other than King Edward I, the historical figure who battled William Wallace. Bacon humorously added, “As long as they’re not first cousins, it’s all good.”

Like many of us, Bacon and Sedgwick have spent most of their time at home due to the ongoing pandemic. Sedgwick has turned to writing, while they both indulge in a plethora of movies and books.

Regardless of their surroundings, it’s undeniable that Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick embody the essence of a power couple in Hollywood. Their love story continues to inspire and enchant, proving that true love can withstand the test of time.

And I must ask, don’t you agree?