Driving down a treacherous wooded freeway, a driver was met with a heart-stopping sight—a little girl standing on the side of the road, barefoot and alone. Frantically waving her arms, she was desperate for help. The driver immediately pulled over and followed the girl, unaware of the horrifying scene that awaited them.

Angela Shymanski and her two children, 5-year-old Lexi Shymanski and 10-week-old Peter, were on their way home from a vacation in the Canadian Rockies. Angela, trying to keep her children comfortable and soothed, played soft lullaby music in the car. But the long drive took its toll, and Angela eventually succumbed to exhaustion. Little did she know that this moment would become etched in her memory forever.

As Angela dozed off behind the wheel, the family’s car veered off the road at a high speed, crashing through trees and gravel before plunging down a steep 40-foot embankment near the mountainous town of Jasper in western Alberta, Canada. The impact of the crash knocked Lexi unconscious, and when she regained consciousness, she found herself in a nightmarish reality—her mother slumped over the steering wheel and her baby brother crying incessantly beside her.

Determined to get help for her family, Lexi, despite being securely strapped in a five-point harness car seat, managed to free herself from the restraints—a remarkable feat for a child her size. With unwavering determination, she kicked open her door and embarked on an incredible journey. Barefoot and amazed at her newfound strength, she made her way up the rugged embankment.

“It’s unbelievable,” Angela recounted. “There were only one or two occasions when she managed to escape her five-point harness. But this time, fueled by adrenaline or some other force, she freed herself and climbed up the steep embankment.”

Undeterred by the challenging terrain, the brave little girl finally reached the highway above and frantically waved down passing vehicles. By a stroke of luck, one of the drivers who stopped to help was an off-duty paramedic. This fortunate encounter played a pivotal role in saving Angela’s life and preventing her from enduring permanent paralysis.

The paramedic stayed by Angela’s side until she regained consciousness. Through dazed eyes, she saw Lexi lying down next to the highway, and someone else caring for baby Peter. It took the paramedic several attempts to find a signal strong enough to call for emergency assistance.

Understanding the risks of moving Angela’s injured body, the paramedic wisely refrained from attempting to extricate her—an action that could have had dire consequences. Instead, an ambulance transported the family to the Seton-Jasper Healthcare Centre. Angela and Lexi were later airlifted to the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, while baby Peter arrived by ground ambulance later that night.

Angela had suffered multiple fractures in her back and significant internal bleeding. She required surgery to remove her spleen and repair other damaged organs. Baby Peter underwent neurosurgery to reduce swelling in his brain. Remarkably, Lexi emerged from the ordeal with nothing more than a scratch on her chin.

This incredible story serves as a testament to the bravery and resilience of a little girl—a hero in her own right. Lexi’s determination and quick thinking saved her family from an unimaginable fate. Angela and her children are on the long road to recovery, grateful for the kindness of a stranger and the unwavering spirit of their young heroine.