Sometimes in life, we come across situations that just don’t seem right. Most of the time, we choose to look away, hoping it will all go away. But not Cameron Cook, a courageous 17-year-old from Boston. His instincts told him to act, and his quick thinking ended up saving a little girl’s life.

It was an ordinary day when Cameron accompanied his mother to Target. Little did they know that their trip would take a sudden turn. As they were browsing the store, Cameron’s sharp eyes caught something unsettling. A grown man was approaching a little girl and refusing to leave her side.

Immediately, a feeling of unease washed over Cameron. His mother suggested they ignore the situation and leave, but he couldn’t just let it go. Cameron saw a disturbing look in the man’s eyes, and reportedly, he was touching himself while staring at the girl. Alarm bells started ringing in Cameron’s head.

“I saw the guy grabbing himself, and my mom goes, ‘Cam, let’s go, keep walking.’ I was like, no, something’s going on,” Cameron shared with CBS. And little did his mother know that Cameron would become a hero that day. The man smelled of liquor, and as he approached the girl, Cameron knew he had to intervene.

Without hesitation, Cameron approached the man and asked if he knew the girl. The man nervously exclaimed, “I’m not a pervert! I’m not a pervert!” But Cameron stood his ground, calmly responding, “I didn’t ask you that, sir.” His boldness made the man uncomfortable enough to flee the store.

Cameron’s actions were nothing short of heroic, but he seeks no accolades. His only desire is to inspire others to trust their instincts and take action when something doesn’t seem right. Although this incident happened in November 2016, it serves as a timeless reminder to be a good person and stand up for those in need. Cameron truly deserves all our praise!

Watch the video below to hear Cameron’s story in his own words: