Misty LaBean has spent her entire life wondering why her mother abandoned their family when she was just a year old. For over 40 years, she heard whispers and felt the pain of her mother’s absence. But little did she know, there were strangers hundreds of miles away who were also searching for answers to the same mystery.

It all began with the discovery of remains in Indiana in 1982. Hunters found the damaged remains near Martindale Creek, but their identity was a mystery. The clay bust created by a sketch artist failed to provide any leads. However, advancements in scientific technology gave hope to those seeking answers. In 2021, the Wayne County Coroner’s Office attempted to extract DNA from the remains but faced repeated failures.

Around the same time, someone in Connie Christensen’s family encouraged relatives to submit their DNA records to public genealogy sources. This proved to be a critical link in the search for answers. The DNA Doe Project, a non-profit organization, worked with the Wayne County Coroner’s Office and managed to narrow down the pool of possible DNA matches. They discovered that Connie Christensen had disappeared from her family’s public records.

This revelation led the coroner’s office to contact Misty LaBean, Connie’s daughter. LaBean was asked to provide a DNA sample for comparison. To her shock, the match was confirmed. LaBean finally had an answer to the question that plagued her for years: her mother’s identity.

But the truth revealed even more heartbreaking details. The coroner’s office discovered that Connie Christensen had died from a gunshot wound. This revelation opened a new set of questions. How did she end up in Indiana? Who was responsible for her death? LaBean visited the site where her mother’s remains were found and wondered about the circumstances surrounding her abduction and murder. It brought mixed emotions of some closure but also anger at the chances she missed to know her mother.

Despite the pain, LaBean found solace in learning more about her mother. She discovered her mother’s love for cats, a passion they both shared. LaBean even reclaimed the opal ring her mother was wearing when she died, symbolizing a connection between their past and present. The closure provided by the discovery allowed LaBean to let go of the tight grip her family had on her mother’s memory.

In April, Connie Christensen’s remains were laid to rest among her relatives. The family gathered at the site for a quiet moment and to leave flowers as a tribute. Even though there are still unanswered yearnings, like having her mother do her hair for her middle school dance, LaBean and her entire family are now eager to embrace their lost loved one and grieve the loss they had endured for so long.

If Connie were still here, she would have been surrounded by a loving family, including her daughter Misty, her husband Dan LaBean, and her nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. The void left by Connie Christensen’s absence will never be completely filled, but Misty LaBean and her family can finally find closure and cherish the memories of the mother they lost.

“Misty LaBean at memorial”