Watching your child suffer is a heartbreaking feeling. Just ask Molly and Logan Cook, a couple who recently faced this pain when their baby boy, Liam, was diagnosed with Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency. This condition is characterized by a lack of an enzyme that breaks down nitrogen in the body, which can lead to serious health issues. Liam’s struggle prompted his parents to take action.

From the moment Liam was born on March 1, 2023, his parents knew something was not right. Their little bundle of joy had to spend a significant amount of time in the hospital, receiving care from the dedicated genetics team at Children’s of Alabama. The young couple’s hopes were lifted when Liam became eligible for a liver transplant, but the potential donors fell through. However, there was still hope.

Recently, doctors discovered that Liam had grown big enough to receive a liver donation from his dad. Determined to improve Liam’s quality of life, the family traveled to Pittsburgh for the transplant. After the successful surgery at UPMC, father and son are now on the road to recovery.

Molly, Liam’s mom, revealed that the first year after a transplant in an infant can be particularly challenging. As Liam’s body heals, the family expects to spend the next few months at UPMC. During this time, Molly and Logan will focus on their son’s well-being, which means they are unable to work. They need support to cover the costs of the operation and their ongoing expenses.

Fortunately, their family has set up a way to help them. If you feel compelled to support this courageous family, you can find more information [here](insert link).

We send our best wishes to the Cook family as they recover from this major surgery. Let’s join together and show them our support in any way we can. By sharing this story, you can help spread awareness and encouragement for this little family.