When it comes to Hollywood, it’s not uncommon for actors and actresses to cross paths and form friendships along the way. But there’s one particular friendship that stands out among the rest, and that is the bond between Tim Allen and Tom Hanks.

At 69 years old, Tim Allen has had a long and successful career in the entertainment industry. Yet, despite his fame, he has found that there is one person he trusts above all others: Tom Hanks.

During a recent appearance on Kelly Clarkson’s show, Allen spoke fondly of his friendship with Hanks. Despite their differences in opinions, Allen admires Hanks’ heart and mind. The two have been going to lunch together twice a year since their days working on the beloved “Toy Story” films. Allen even humorously compares their closeness to that of “two older women” sitting close together at a booth.

Their friendship goes beyond just sharing meals. Allen recalls a particular incident during the filming of “Toy Story 1” where Hanks took fries from his plate. It was a small act, but it left a lasting impression on Allen. Growing up, he had never experienced such generosity and kindness from someone.

In fact, Allen admits that he has never trusted anyone as much as he trusts Hanks. Despite their differing perspectives on various issues, Hanks has shown Allen unwavering support and genuine attentiveness. Their friendship is a testament to the fact that you don’t need to agree on everything to form a deep connection with someone.

It’s refreshing to see two well-loved actors maintain such a strong friendship throughout their careers. In an industry often plagued by scandal, the fact that Hanks and Allen have managed to stay grounded and true to their moral character says a lot about the kind of people they are.


Their story reminds us that true friendship knows no bounds and can endure even in the face of differences. It’s a heartwarming example of the power of genuine connections, regardless of age or fame.