Miscarriages are more common than we realize, and yet, it remains a topic shrouded in silence. It is difficult for people to openly discuss the pain they have experienced, even though sharing can be a healing process itself. But why should anyone feel ashamed of something they have no control over? This is a question Rachel Whalen asks, as she knows all too well what it feels like to lose a child.

Rachel’s heartbreaking experience was made even more difficult by the fact that the signs of a miscarriage were not detected early in her pregnancy. She had planned a future for her unborn child and went to the hospital with hope, only to be told that her daughter was no longer alive. In such a devastating situation, most people are at a loss for words. How do you tell someone that they have lost their child?

For Rachel, it was not just the love and support from family and friends that helped her through this difficult time. It was the experienced and compassionate nurses she encountered at the hospital, who played a huge role in consoling her after she had to give birth to a baby who had already passed away.

In an act of bravery, Rachel has chosen to open up about the darkest hours of her life. She wrote a heartfelt tribute to the nurses who saved her, not just with their medical skills, but with their compassion. It was their humanity that brought her back to life when she was on the verge of giving up.

She expresses her gratitude to the nurses who took care of her husband during their time in the hospital, ensuring he had enough pillows and even letting him sneak popsicles. These small gestures recognized that this was an experience for both of them, and that he also needed care during this difficult time.

Rachel also thanks the nurse who accompanied her when she was rushed to the ICU from Labor & Delivery. This nurse became her advocate when she couldn’t speak up for herself, as she was fighting for her own life. Rachel believes that she might not have survived to see her daughter if it weren’t for this nurse’s presence.

Another nurse taught Rachel how to manage the physical effects of her stillbirth, including filling her bra with ice packs to suppress her milk. But more than that, this nurse provided emotional support and held Rachel as she wept, offering a glimmer of light in her dark world.

Rachel expresses her gratitude to the nurse in the ICU who took the time to clean her up after her daughter’s passing. This nurse’s gentle touch and gesture of washing Rachel’s face and brushing her hair made a lasting impact. It was a small act that brought comfort amidst the pain.

She also thanks the nurse who sat by her bedside and asked her about her daughter, acknowledging the importance of keeping her memory alive. This simple gesture showed that the nurse understood the significance of Dorothy’s existence, even though she was no longer physically present.

The nurse who dressed Rachel’s baby and took her picture holds a special place in her heart. This nurse made sure that every detail was perfect, positioning the baby’s hands and ensuring her hat didn’t cover her eyes. That photograph is a cherished memento for Rachel and her family.

A small but significant act of reading Rachel’s chart before shift change meant that the nurses knew their names and the name of their daughter. This made them feel seen and acknowledged as a family during such a difficult time.

Lastly, Rachel thanks the nurse who quietly entered her room on her first night without Dorothy, offering a comforting presence and sharing her own story of losing a child. This nurse was the first person to help Rachel out of her isolation and make her feel less alone during that lonely night.

In her heartfelt message, Rachel emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the existence of a child who has passed away. It may be uncomfortable for some to bring up a deceased child, but it is essential to recognize their presence and the love that surrounded them. Using the child’s name and remembering them shows that their life mattered. Rachel’s heart goes out not only to her fellow parents who have experienced loss but also to the compassionate nurses who provided support during their darkest times.

Let’s take a moment to pay tribute to all the nurses and midwives around the world who show immense compassion in their work. Share this article with your friends and family on Facebook to spread awareness and appreciation for these amazing healthcare professionals.