Do you know your neighbors well enough to invite them over to your home? What about inviting them to live with you? Well, that’s exactly what Chris Salvatore did for his 89-year-old neighbor, Norma Cook.

Back in 2013, Chris Salvatore moved in across the hall from Norma and her cat, Hermes. While they always exchanged greetings, it wasn’t until Salvatore introduced himself that they became fast friends. Their friendship grew so strong that when Norma’s health started deteriorating and she required constant care, Salvatore, a 31-year-old actor, decided to invite her to live with him.

When Norma turned 89, her health took a rapid decline, and after a hospital stay, Salvatore discovered that she wouldn’t be allowed to return home without constant care. With no children of her own and no family nearby, Norma was at a loss. Salvatore took matters into his own hands and set up a GoFundMe campaign for Norma. Although they tried a few caretakers, Salvatore soon realized that he needed to do something more.

“The only other option was for her to go into a facility,” Salvatore shared. “I just couldn’t do that to someone who is like my own grandmother.” That’s when he made the incredible decision to invite Norma to move into his apartment.

Salvatore and Norma became excellent roommates, spending their time watching the news, engaging in conversations, enjoying Champagne, and munching on peanuts. Norma affectionately called Salvatore the grandson she never had.

Tragically, on February 15, 2017, Norma passed away. Salvatore shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, where he had regularly documented their adventures together. Despite the sorrowful ending, Salvatore is grateful that he was able to give Norma the gift of spending her final days at home, surrounded by love and care.

Salvatore’s selfless act is an inspiration to all of us. We should take a page out of his book and show kindness and compassion to those around us, especially the elderly in need. Let’s spread the love and share this heartwarming story.

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