The heart knows no bounds when it comes to love, and for Christie and Wesley Werts, their love story took a beautiful turn when they became a blended family. Bringing together Christie’s daughter, Megan, with Wesley’s children, Austin and Dakota, they created a loving and supportive home. Little did they know that their journey would lead them to a miracle baby, Levi, and an incredible adoption story.

The road to Levi’s adoption was not an easy one. The Werts family endured a 16-month wait, filled with anticipation and hope, as they navigated the adoption process. Finally, their prayers were answered, and they were able to bring Levi home.

But Levi’s story is not like any other. Born in Texas, Levi’s biological mother was Wesley’s former partner, who tragically passed away just four days after his premature birth. She struggled with addiction and faced complications related to the coronavirus. It was a heartbreaking situation, but it opened a door for Levi to find his forever home with Christie and Wesley.

Interestingly enough, Christie had been having recurring dreams about a blue-eyed blond baby for months before they even learned about Levi’s existence. These dreams became a sign, a calling for her to pursue the adoption. And when they finally met Levi for the first time, it was as if Christie’s dream had come true. She instantly fell in love with this blond-haired, blue-eyed baby. He was meant to be their son.

The journey towards adoption was not without its challenges. The Werts family had to sell their house in Ohio and relocate to Texas for court proceedings. They had to endure a legal process and navigate the termination of Levi’s biological father’s parental rights. It was a long and arduous process, but they persevered, and after 16 months of house inspections, interviews, and court appearances, Levi officially became a part of their family.

Despite the heartwarming nature of their story, Christie faced criticism from some internet users who questioned her decision to share their story online. But amidst the negativity, there were also those who celebrated their love and wished them a lifetime of happiness.

This extraordinary love story is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Werts family. It reminds us that love knows no boundaries and that a family is not always defined by blood. Levi’s story is one of love, hope, and the incredible lengths that parents will go to for their children.