High school sweethearts Liz Goodman and Matt Logelin had a love story that was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Their journey began one sunny afternoon at a gas station in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Little did they know that this chance encounter would mark the start of a remarkable love story.

Sparks Ignite in High School

Liz and Matt’s love story blossomed during their senior year of high school. They were inseparable, spending every moment together. As graduation approached, they faced the difficult reality of attending colleges in different parts of the country. Despite the distance, their love remained strong.

Following Their Hearts

Matt, who was studying at the University of Minnesota, realized that he couldn’t bear to be apart from Liz. So, he made the bold decision to move halfway across the country to Los Angeles to be with her. Their love was worth any sacrifice.

Embracing Life Together

Liz and Matt made the most of their time together. They traveled, explored new places, and deepened their love for each other. Their love was evident to everyone around them. In 2005, in the breathtaking setting of Nepal, Matt got down on one knee and asked Liz to marry him. Surrounded by loved ones, they exchanged vows to love each other forever.

A Life Full of Happiness

Both professionally and personally, Liz and Matt thrived. Liz worked as a financial professional at Disney, while Matt pursued a successful career as a project manager at Yahoo! Together, they decided to buy a house, embracing their newfound financial security. Life couldn’t have been better for the young couple.

The Joy of Expecting

After two years of marriage, Liz and Matt made the exciting decision to start a family. They were overjoyed when they discovered that Liz was pregnant with their first child.

Sharing the Journey

Since many of their loved ones lived far away, Liz and Matt launched a blog to keep everyone updated on Liz’s pregnancy. They shared their joy with family and friends, posting pictures and stories. Little did they know that this blog would soon become a global sensation.

A Challenging Pregnancy

Liz’s pregnancy was not without its difficulties. She experienced severe morning sickness, which required her to spend weeks in bed. Matt watched over her with concern, knowing the importance of keeping both Liz and their unborn child safe.

The Arrival of Madeline

Despite the challenges, Liz and Matt eagerly anticipated the birth of their daughter. However, their joy quickly turned to heartbreak. Liz had to be rushed into an emergency C-section, two months earlier than expected. Baby Madeline entered the world, weighing only 3 pounds, 14 ounces.

A Devastating Loss

As Liz recovered from the surgery, she suddenly felt unwell. Doctors and nurses rushed to her side, but it was too late. A deadly clot had reached Liz’s lungs, causing a fatal pulmonary embolism. Just 27 hours after giving birth, Liz tragically passed away at the young age of 30. Matt was left to grieve the loss of his wife while also navigating the challenges of being a new parent.

Overwhelmed with Grief

Matt’s world was shattered in an instant. What was supposed to be a joyous time became a time of profound sadness. Instead of sharing pictures of their growing family, Matt found himself writing a devastating obituary for the love of his life. He was now faced with the daunting task of raising their daughter on his own.

A New Chapter Begins

Despite the immense grief, Matt summoned the strength to carry on for the sake of his daughter, Madeline. He became a devoted single father, navigating the challenges of parenthood without Liz by his side. Matt’s love for Liz and their daughter would continue to guide him as he embarked on this new chapter of his life.

In the face of unimaginable loss, Matt’s story serves as an inspiration to us all. Love can endure even in the darkest of times. Liz may no longer be physically present, but her love lives on in the hearts of those she touched. And Matt’s unwavering love for his wife and daughter reminds us of the strength that can be found in the bonds of family.

Matt, a grieving widower, found himself at a crossroads after the loss of his partner of 12 years. The thought of embarking on the journey of single parenthood was overwhelming, but he found solace and optimism in his little child, Madeline. With a heavy heart, he held her close, knowing that his wife would never be able to do the same.

After the funeral, Matt returned to an empty house, still in his suit. The grief weighed heavily on him, especially when he couldn’t bring himself to remove his wedding ring. The reminders of his beloved Liz were everywhere, making it difficult for him to leave the house. But amidst the sorrow, there was a glimmer of hope. Bringing Madeline home for the first time made him feel alive again.

The early weeks of single parenthood were the toughest Matt had ever experienced. Every Tuesday at 3:11 p.m., he would be reminded of the moment his life changed forever. But he found strength in being there for his daughter, knowing that a piece of Liz lived on in Madeline. It was a difficult time, but Matt was determined to give his daughter the best upbringing possible.

Seeking support and guidance, Matt turned to online platforms. He joined a parenting discussion board and converted Liz’s pregnancy blog into a personal parenting blog. Writing became his therapy, a way to express his deepest emotions and find comfort. He also sought advice from other parents who understood his struggles.

Matt wanted Madeline to know how much her father loved and cared for her, even if her mother would never read it. The blog became more than just a personal outlet; it became a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges. The online community rallied together, offering support, advice, and even gifts to ease Matt’s burden.

The blog evolved into a place of solace, inspiration, and genuine connections. Matt never expected the outpouring of support and kindness from total strangers. His house was filled with gifts, from toys to baby clothes, all given with love and compassion. With the help of his supporters, Matt established the Liz Logelin Foundation, a nonprofit organization in honor of his late wife.

The foundation became a way to spread love and support to widows and widowers who lacked a strong support system. Fundraising events, including 5K walks and runs, were organized to raise funds for those in need. Matt’s selflessness and compassion touched the hearts of many, and he became a source of hope for others facing similar hardships.

As the years went by, Matt realized the profound impact his late wife had on their daughter and himself. The blog became a love letter to Madeline and Liz, a testament to Matt’s unwavering dedication to his daughter’s happiness. Although he initially planned to end the blog after a year, the positive effects and connections made by others encouraged him to continue.

While navigating his own grief, Matt never forgot about the widows and widowers he had met through his blog. He decided to use the funds raised for him and Madeline to help others in similar circumstances. The Liz Logelin Foundation became a beacon of hope, hosting events and offering support to those who needed it most.

On Maddy’s first birthday, Matt had a sudden realization. Liz’s bank account PIN numbers flashed in his mind, and he discovered a sum of money he had forgotten about. With this unexpected gift, Matt decided to throw a lavish birthday celebration for his daughter. It was a way to honor both Liz’s birthday and her passing, a reminder of the love that still surrounded them.

Matt and Maddy’s journey took an unexpected turn as they continued to help others and spread hope. Their story touched the lives of many, and they found purpose in making a difference. While the pain of losing Liz would never fade, they found solace in the connections they made and the lives they touched.

In the face of grief, Matt transformed his sorrow into hope, embracing the role of a devoted father and champion of widows and widowers. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of compassion.

Matt Logelin’s life took an unexpected turn in 2009 when he made the decision to leave his job and embark on a therapeutic journey with his wife, Maddy. They traveled to India, a place that held a special meaning for them as they had visited it after their wedding. Matt saw this as an opportunity to write a memoir and connect with his daughter during their time away.


During their journey, Matt wrote his memoir, “Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love,” which quickly became a best-seller. This was just the beginning of a positive shift in Matt’s life. Despite receiving awards for his parenting as a single father, Matt humbly believes he is just attending to his daughter’s fundamental needs.

Father and Daughter

As Matt’s book gained popularity, love seemed to be on the horizon for him once again. He started dating Brooke Gulliksen, a volunteer with the Liz Logelin Foundation. Their relationship blossomed, and Brooke’s bond with Matt’s daughter, Maddy, became evident. Brooke made it clear that she wasn’t trying to replace Maddy’s late mother, Liz, but rather be a supportive figure in their lives.

Matt and Brooke

However, not everyone was as supportive of Matt and Brooke’s relationship. Some criticized Matt for “sweeping Liz under the rug,” but the couple remained resilient. Brooke, referred to as “Brookie” by Maddy, embraced her role as a mother figure despite the challenges that came with it.

Matt, Brooke, and Maddy

Unfortunately, Matt and Brooke’s relationship eventually deteriorated, leading to a breakup. Matt took some time to focus on himself and his daughter, Maddy. Rumors began to circulate about his potential relationship with Lizzie Molyneux, the author of the cartoon series Bob’s Burger.

Matt and Lizzie

Despite wanting to keep his personal life private, Matt and Lizzie’s secret wedding in February 2018 was discovered by curious fans. Matt’s memoir, “Two Kisses for Maddy,” caught the attention of the Lifetime network, which considered turning it into a television series. Additionally, rumors circulated about Channing Tatum’s potential involvement in a Hollywood adaptation.


Throughout his journey, Matt has experienced immense sorrow but has also found hope and inspiration. He has become more extroverted, contributing to Glamour magazine and speaking at grief and widowhood summits. As for Maddy, she turned 10 years old in 2018, surrounded by love and happiness despite her tragic past.


Matt has shared his blog’s details as Maddy has grown older, allowing her to learn about her mother through stories and pictures. While some questions bring tears to Matt’s eyes, he continues to be open and honest with his daughter, providing her with the love and support she needs.

Father and Daughter

The journey of Matt Logelin is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and the power of love and hope. Despite facing unimaginable loss, Matt has found a way to navigate life’s challenges and make the most of every moment with his daughter, Maddy.

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