All 6,000 residents in small town live on the same street

Living in a village or small town can have a certain charm. It’s the kind of place where almost everyone knows each other, where you’re greeted by your first name, and where you can find a local gathering spot and a few essential establishments. There is a sense of community that some of us crave, being a part of a close-knit group rather than feeling isolated out in the countryside.

But have you ever thought about living in a town where all the residents live on the same street? It may seem unbelievable, but that is the reality in a village called Sułoszowa, located in southern Poland. This unique village recently gained viral status on Twitter after an aerial photo of the town was shared on social media.

In Sułoszowa, all 6,000 residents live along a single nine-kilometer stretch of street. This village has even earned the nickname “Little Tuscany” due to its layout. Each house on the street comes with a long strip of land that is used for various purposes, such as farming and housing animals.

When people started noticing these fascinating aerial shots, the residents of Sułoszowa chimed in to share their experiences living there. One resident said, “I wouldn’t trade this place for anything else. It has its own charm and atmosphere. There’s something about it.” It’s interesting to see how each house has its own strip of land, resulting in different colors and landscapes that look beautiful from above.

Another image of the village was shared on Reddit, where someone asked if the strips of land belonged to each house. A Polish friend confirmed that each house does indeed have its strip of land, which residents use for various purposes. Some grow crops, some have animals, and others simply leave it untouched.

It’s truly a peculiar arrangement, and it’s unlikely that you’ve seen a village like this before. But we’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever come across a similar community. And don’t forget to share this article on Facebook so that more people can join in the discussion!