"Werewolf" stood on side of road for months: Then a stranger approaches and realize unimaginable truth

Lonely and abandoned, a peculiar-looking dog stood by the side of the road for several months, capturing the attention of passersby. With his scaly skin, broken tail, and tattered fur, the dog appeared like a terrifying creature straight out of a horror story. Dubbed “Werewolf” by locals due to his mysterious appearance, nobody dared to approach the animal, fearing it was dangerous.


However, fate had a different plan for this misunderstood canine. In late March, a compassionate passerby noticed Werewolf and took to Facebook to share their concern. Determined to make a difference, the woman stayed by the dog’s side until help arrived. That’s when Megan Bowe, a true animal hero and founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pup, stepped in.

Driven by sympathy, Megan approached the dog, overwhelmed by the sorry state he was in. “I was about ready to cry when I saw how bad off he was,” she recalled. Weak and depressed, the dog could barely stand. Megan soon realized that Werewolf was no supernatural creature, but a severely ill and neglected German Shepherd mix. She promptly named him “King” and rushed him to an emergency veterinary clinic.

King in the car

Upon arriving at the clinic, King seemed to sense that help had finally arrived. Trustingly, he followed Megan, desperate for relief. The veterinarian discovered that King suffered from various diseases and injuries, the gravest being scabies, a broken pelvis, and a broken tail. Despite his rough appearance, King was only one year old.

“My vet thinks he got hit by a car, and that would explain how his tail was so messed up, too,” Megan explained. “That injury happened months ago because by the time I got him, it had already started to heal incorrectly. With such a damaged pelvis, he wasn’t able to get around very far on his own to look for food, so he was extremely skinny and dehydrated.”

King in vet clinic

Due to King’s contagious diseases, Megan set up a quarantine area in her garage, ensuring the safety of the other animals in her care. She gradually nursed King back to health, starting with small amounts of food and carefully monitoring his recovery. King needed all the strength he could muster before undergoing surgery for his pelvis and tail.

Throughout the entire process, it became evident that King was not only strong-willed but also inherently loving. Even in his weakened state, he showed gratitude towards Megan, often leaning his head against her for a soothing hug. “He has been so calm and relaxed through everything,” Megan shared.

King's progress

After a month of consistent treatment, King’s condition began to improve. His mange disappeared, and his strength returned. Finally, the time came for his pelvis and tail surgeries, both of which were successful. Now, King goes for daily walks, as prescribed by his vet, to strengthen his leg.

King’s journey to recovery is far from over. In the upcoming weeks, he will revisit the veterinarian for follow-up appointments and to have his stitches removed. There’s a possibility he may need another hip operation. However, with each passing day, King’s future appears brighter than ever.

Hunden King

According to Megan, in a few months, King will be fully healed and ready for adoption. Until then, he revels in every aspect of his new life, whether it’s enjoying doggie ice cream, going for walks, or feeling the breeze in a car ride with the windows down. “He is happier than ever now,” Megan proudly stated.

Megan remains perplexed as to how people could pass by King without offering any assistance. She expressed, “It’s hard to think that all those cars passed him by and never stopped. No one wanted to bring him home or help him because he looked so bad… But all it took was one person.”

King enjoying life

At the end of the day, the difference between a coward and a hero lies in a single step. Thanks to Megan and countless other animal lovers who refuse to turn a blind eye to mistreated or neglected animals, King now has a second chance at life—a privilege every dog deserves. Let’s join hands in spreading positivity and joy by sharing this article with our animal-loving friends on Facebook.