Going back to school after the summer break is a special occasion for both children and parents. It’s a time to celebrate new beginnings, growth, and milestones. For one young girl in Auburn, Alabama, her back-to-school photo turned into an unexpected adventure.

Meet Brooke Mills, a seventh-grader who was ready to embark on a new academic year. Like many parents, her mother, ShaneJoy Mills, wanted to capture this precious moment. Little did they know that their photo would be photobombed by an unexpected guest.

As the camera clicked, capturing the excitement and anticipation in Brooke’s eyes, something caught her mother’s attention. Upon closer inspection, she couldn’t believe her eyes. There, nestled among the tree bark, was a snake. It had perfectly blended in, making it difficult to spot at first glance.

ShaneJoy Mills quickly called out to Brooke, urging her to move away from the tree. Although she calmly spoke, her face revealed the shock and concern she felt. The snake, later identified as a rat snake by commenters on the Facebook post, seemed more interested in posing for the photo than anything else.

The incident took many by surprise, and the photo went viral on social media. But thankfully, the only “strike” this snake made was when it struck a pose. It was a harmless encounter that added an extra element of excitement to Brooke’s back-to-school photo.

For parents like ShaneJoy Mills, capturing these precious moments is significant. It’s a way to commemorate their children’s growth and achievements. And while it may be a little embarrassing for the kids at the time, looking back on these photos brings back cherished memories and reminds us of the milestones in their journey.

So, what would you do if you found an unexpected guest in your child’s back-to-school photo? Share your thoughts in the comments!