Chantelle Edmund had an unusual birth plan in mind. She and her husband had been envisioning an underwater delivery for their baby. Little did she know that her actual birthing experience would be even more mind-boggling.

At 26 years old, Chantelle believed she had time before her baby’s arrival. However, when her water suddenly broke, she found herself in need of immediate assistance. With her 8-year-old daughter, Keira Jade, and her niece upstairs watching a movie, Chantelle had no choice but to call for help.

To her surprise, baby Eva Rai came into the world a whole two weeks ahead of schedule. Incredibly, it was Keira Jade’s tiny hands that aided in the delivery, while the two young girls remained remarkably calm throughout the process. They even managed to provide towels and water to their mother.

Keira, with a mix of astonishment and excitement, exclaimed, “My mother just made an alien on the floor!” as she dialed for an ambulance.

As for Chantelle, she couldn’t be more grateful for her daughter’s bravery and composure. Understandably, Keira was initially horrified by what she witnessed and experienced. Until recently, she believed that babies were delivered through a secret door in her mother’s womb. But now, thanks to her little sister, Keira has become a star at school and loves Eva madly.

This heartwarming and surprising birth story proves that even in the most unexpected situations, family bonds and love shine through. The courageous actions of these young girls have touched the hearts of many, reminding us all that strength and support can come from the most unexpected places.