Mom with over 800 tattoos called a Freak – Reveals truth about all her tattoos

A mother’s two adoring children still look up to her even though she’s taunted and teased by people who call her a ‘freak’. Despite the verbal attacks she endures whenever she steps out of her home, this woman refuses to let the negativity define her. She is Melissa Sloan, a 46-year-old mother from Wales, who proudly boasts over 800 tattoos.

Melissa has been getting inked since she was 20 years old. She admits that she is addicted and compares it to how some people crave cigarettes or alcohol. Even though tattoo parlors have started denying her because they believe she’s “beyond help,” Melissa carries her tattoo gun with her everywhere and gets three “prison-style” tattoos each week from her boyfriend.

While society might reject her and the job market might close doors, Melissa remains resilient. She used to work as a toilet cleaner, but similar opportunities are no longer available to her. She says that because of her tattoos, employers look past her skills and capabilities. “I can’t get a job. They won’t have me,” she laments. But she remains hopeful and mentions that she would gladly accept any job offer that comes her way.

Melissa’s tattoos have made her a target of ridicule and mockery. People point, stare, and even call her a freak. She admits that it hurts, but she is determined to stay true to herself. “I can’t fit in with people as I like to be me, and I’m always going to be myself. I expected this in life,” she states.

Not only does Melissa face rejection and criticism personally, but it also affects her children. She has been barred from local bars and even banned from attending school events where her two kids, aged eight and ten, are involved. Despite this, Melissa remains undeterred. She encourages her children to embrace their individuality and use her as a role model. In fact, her kids already have a fondness for body art and have temporary tattoos. Melissa assures them that they will have even better tattoos when they are older.

Before Melissa got her tattoos, she looked like an average woman. Pictures of her pre-tattoo face on her Instagram account show the stark contrast. She has completely transformed herself through her tattoos.

While some people might find Melissa’s choices extreme, it’s important to remember that everyone has the right to express themselves. However, it’s also understandable why some employers might hesitate to hire her. It is our hope that Melissa’s children learn from her experiences and find acceptance without feeling like outcasts in the future.

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