We always love hearing stories about people helping animals. Although animals don’t always express gratitude, sometimes they surprise us with heartfelt gestures to show their appreciation. One such heartwarming moment occurred when a kangaroo offered a handshake to the men who saved its life.

It all started when David Boyd spotted a kangaroo struggling in the freezing waters of Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra. Concerned for the animal’s safety, he called for help. Two brave bystanders didn’t hesitate to jump into the icy lake to rescue the kangaroo. Careful not to startle the frightened creature, they approached slowly.

At first, the kangaroo flailed its arms in panic, but the men refused to give up. They managed to secure a hold on the kangaroo and guided it to dry land. Another man joined in and helped lift the scared and shivering kangaroo, providing reassurance and comfort.

Kangaroos can be dangerous if they feel threatened, boasting strong punches, sharp claws, and powerful kicks. However, this kangaroo seemed to understand that these men were here to help, and in a touching moment, it even held out its paw as if to offer a handshake.

As the rescue unfolded, the man filming the act remarked, “Aw, he’s thanking you.” The kangaroo was in shock and needed some time to calm down. After about half an hour, onlookers reported seeing it hop away, seemingly unharmed by the ordeal.

This heartwarming rescue was caught on video and captures the gratitude of the kangaroo. Watch the touching moment in the video below:

We extend our heartfelt thanks to these brave men for their heroic act in saving this kangaroo’s life. They truly deserved that “handshake” and recognition for their selfless actions. Share this amazing story and spread the love!