When it comes to expressing love, there is no better occasion than a wedding. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event that people go to great lengths to make special. One particular bride, Liz Shoesmith, went above and beyond to show her deep love for her husband Scott on their wedding day.

Scott is deaf, and the couple communicates using sign language. Despite this, they planned every detail of their wedding day together, except for one surprise that Liz had prepared. As the big day arrived, Liz paused at the end of the aisle instead of joining Scott at the altar. But don’t worry, it wasn’t last-minute nerves.

As the song “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri played, Liz, in her beautiful white dress with silver patterns, began signing the words to her husband. Each gesture was delivered with grace and had been rehearsed for some time. Scott was overcome with emotion, tearing up as his bride displayed her immeasurable love.

Liz later shared, “I won’t lie, I was terrified before walking into the ceremony. But the moment I locked eyes with him, I never looked away, and it was a special moment just between the two of us. He held it together for a few seconds before crying the whole way through the song. He has re-watched the video a hundred times and still cries every time!”

At the culmination of her performance, Liz joined Scott at the altar, and their loved ones applauded her incredible talent. This gesture holds a special place in Scott’s heart, as he may not hear the world like others do, but Liz’s performance is something he can cherish forever.

This beautiful moment brought tears to our eyes. Liz’s incredible gesture of love is truly inspiring. We wish Liz and Scott all the happiness in the world in their marriage. If you’re touched by their story too, share this article on Facebook and spread the love!