Lucky, a special dog with a disfigured face, had a tough start in life. Born in a puppy factory, he was never given a chance at a loving home because of his unique appearance. Neglected and passed from owner to owner, Lucky had little reason to enjoy his life. But everything changed when one kind-hearted woman saw the beauty within him.

Living a life of constant transitions, Lucky never found a stable home where he could truly be himself. Often given away for free, no one wanted to keep him for long. His last family in Austin, Texas, neglected him and left him to fend for himself in the yard. Forced to stay outside because the family’s cats didn’t like him, Lucky lacked proper care and love.

When the family decided to move, they didn’t think twice about leaving Lucky behind. They contacted a local dog shelter to find him a new home. Volunteers from the shelter started looking for a foster family while Lucky stayed with his current family.

Fortunately, a social media post changed Lucky’s fate. One of the shelter’s volunteers posted pictures of Lucky after taking him to get groomed. The post caught the attention of Jamie Hult, who immediately wanted to meet Lucky.

Jamie, a dog rescuer, was drawn to Lucky and decided to bring him home despite his poor condition. Lucky was malnourished, infested with fleas and worms, and had never been microchipped. It would be a challenging journey, but Jamie was determined to give Lucky the love and care he deserved.

With Jamie’s dedication and the help of veterinarians, Lucky made a remarkable recovery. After spending time in an oxygen tank and undergoing extensive treatment, Lucky emerged as a healthy and happy dog. His transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

Although Lucky faced ridicule and laughter from people because of his appearance, Jamie stood by him. She even started making ties for him to draw attention away from his face. To honor his unique charm, Jamie changed Lucky’s name to Beaux Tox, a play on the word “Botox” to highlight his special looks.

Beaux Tox became a cherished member of Jamie’s family. He took on the role of a loving brother to his younger sister and helped raise the kittens that Jamie adopted. His playful and affectionate nature extended to all creatures, from kittens to baby skunks and even tarantulas. Beaux Tox proved that beauty comes in all forms and that love knows no bounds.

This heartwarming adoption story serves as a reminder not to judge a book by its cover. Just because an animal looks different doesn’t mean they are any less deserving of love and a chance at a fulfilling life. Share Lucky’s incredible journey with your friends and family to celebrate his triumph and inspire kindness towards all animals.