When you think of Adele, the Grammy-winning superstar, you might picture her belting out soulful ballads on stage. But behind the scenes, Adele is just like any other mom, trying to make her child’s school experience the best it can be.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Adele revealed her passion for being involved in her 11-year-old son’s school. She proudly takes on the role of a “class mom,” going above and beyond to contribute to her son’s education.

Being recognized with the prestigious Sherry Lansing Leadership Award, Adele’s humility shines through. Despite being in the company of icons like Oprah Winfrey and Barbra Streisand, she humbly acknowledges that being included in such a list is “kind of funny.”

Living in Los Angeles, Adele has found a group of friends who also happen to be moms. This has enhanced her sense of belonging and connection to her community. She expresses her excitement about her son’s school, where there is a strong sense of unity and a focus on building a supportive community. As a result, Adele admits she’s thriving in this environment.

But Adele’s care and support extend beyond her child’s school. As an artist who has experienced the challenges of the music industry firsthand, she takes it upon herself to mentor and guide up-and-coming singers. Having never received such guidance herself, she believes in empowering others by sharing advice and insights over a casual glass of wine.

Imagine sitting down for a heartfelt conversation with Adele, where she not only shares her experiences but also encourages young artists to navigate the music industry with confidence and authenticity. It’s a show we would all love to watch, perhaps with her partner, superstar agent Rich Paul, serving as her sidekick.

Adele teaches us that no matter how successful or famous one becomes, there’s always room to give back, to support others, and to lend a helping hand. She reminds us that we can make a difference, whether it’s in our child’s school or in the lives of aspiring artists. Adele truly is the coolest class mom ever.