Ally Langdon of Australia couldn’t conceal her profound sorrow as she conversed with a mother and father who found themselves compelled to make the agonizing choice of ending the life of their own daughter, whom they had brought into the world just 13 years prior.

Langdon, a mother, found it difficult to control her tears when the small girl died after succumbing to the chroming trend that had gone popular.

During their appearance on A Current Affair, Andrea and Paul Haynes opened up to host Ally Langdon about the tragic experience of losing their 13 year old daughter, Esra Haynes. They recounted how Esra’s life was cut short due to her involvement in a social media phenomenon called chroming, which entails inhaling hazardous substances through the mouth or nose for the purpose of achieving a state of intoxication.

Esra, who served as a co-captain for the Montrose Football Netball Club, was described as “resolute, enjoyable, mischievous, and gifted” by the club. She was a youthful athlete who actively competed in BMX racing alongside her brothers and skillfully guided her team to a national aerobics championship held in Queensland.

March 31 marked the day when Esra attended a sleepover at a friend’s house. Tragically, during that evening, she inhaled a can of aerosol deodorant, which had devastating consequences. Esra experienced a cardiac arrest and suffered irreversible brain damage as a result.

In the interview, Langdon was informed by Andrea, the mother, “it was simply the usual habit of her going to spend time with her friends.” Paul, the father said ” were always aware of her whereabouts and the people she was with. It was nothing unusual. However, receiving a phone call late at night like that was one of the calls no parent wishes to receive, and sadly, we unfortunately got that call: “Come and pick up your daughter.”

According to Langdon, Esra’s friends initially believed she was experiencing a panic attack. However, due to her inhalation of deodorant, her body began to undergo a shutdown, leading to cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, none of the individuals present at the sleepover knew how to respond to a case of cardiac arrest.

Upon Andrea’s arrival next to Esra, she encountered paramedics in the midst of attempting to revive her daughter. They informed Andrea that Esra had been engaging in chroming, a term she had never encountered before that very moment.

Esra was transported to the hospital, where her parents clung to the hope that their beloved daughter would regain her health. Despite the strength of her heart and lungs, there was a glimmer of possibility for her recovery.

However, after eight agonizing days of being sustained by life support, Paul and Andrea received the devastating news that Esra’s brain had suffered irreversible damage. With heavy hearts, they had to make the difficult decision to terminate life support.

Finding it difficult to articulate their emotions and reliving the most distressing day of their lives, Esra’s parents expressed the anguish they endured in having to bring an end to their daughter’s life.

When asked to gather their loved ones at the hospital to bid their final farewells, Esra’s father expressed the immense difficulty of this task for such a young soul. They placed her on a bed so they could lay beside her, offering comforting embraces until the end.

Langdon, witnessing the overwhelming anguish of Esra’s parents, who themselves had two young children, found it impossible to suppress her emotions and welled up with tears.

Following Esra’s passing in early April, Paul conveyed that the family was utterly devastated, shattered by the loss. Esra’s siblings, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie, were particularly affected by the tragedy.

“It was an utterly devastating experience, not only for us but also for everyone involved, including her friends,” expressed Paul. “This has been the most challenging and traumatic period that any parent could ever endure. We have been sleepless, barely eating, and unable to find joy or be ourselves… However, it’s not just affecting us; it’s impacting the entire community.”

Having never heard of chroming until it tragically took their daughter’s life, Paul and his wife have embarked on a mission to raise awareness about this deadly viral trend. Easily accessible through commonly available products like deodorant, paint, hairspray, or even permanent markers, chroming is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers.

In an interview with a local news station, Paul expressed his regret that he was not aware of chroming while Esra was still alive, as it would have allowed him to caution her about the risks involved. He mentioned, “If we had been informed and if the knowledge had been widely spread, we would have definitely had a discussion about it around our kitchen table.”

Paul emphasized the importance of providing direct information to young individuals instead of relying on friends or social media to relay it. He stated, “We need to intensify our efforts and ensure that these kids receive firsthand information, rather than relying on friends or social media. This way, they can receive accurate guidance right from the beginning.”

Paul intends to provide education to parents, enabling them to educate their own children and potentially save their lives.

He emphasizes the importance of parents having open and gentle conversations with their children, ensuring they discuss the topic together. Paul acknowledges that they themselves were unaware of what was happening, highlighting the need for parents to be proactive in initiating these crucial discussions.

Starting from 2009, the concerning phenomenon of chroming has tragically claimed the lives of numerous children not only in Australia but also worldwide.

Chroming, known to result in seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, sudden sniffing death, comas, and organ failure, holds an allure for young individuals seeking an instant, short-term euphoria.

Paul, in conversation with Langdon, shared the indelible images etched in their minds that can never be erased. He expressed the gut-wrenching impact and devastation they experienced, stating, “Our emotions were shattered, leaving us with an overwhelming sense of loss.”

It is difficult for us to comprehend the immense pain that a family endures when faced with the heartbreaking decision of removing life support from their young child. Our deepest sympathies and condolences go to the Haynes family and all those who were touched by Esra’s presence.

Please share this story with everyone you know, as it serves as a crucial reminder to educate parents about the perils of this deadly trend. By raising awareness, we can assist parents in safeguarding the lives of their children.