Prepare to be amazed by an extraordinary recent discovery – a colossal ancient forest buried 630 feet below the surface of a sinkhole in China’s Leye-Fengshan Global Geopark. This geopark, located in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is renowned for its natural wonders, including the world’s longest natural bridge and caves, as recognized by UNESCO.

A Magnificent Geological Wonder

The UNESCO Global Geopark mainly consists of sedimentary rocks, with over 60% being thick carbonate rocks dating back to the Devonian and Permian periods. Its awe-inspiring “S”-shaped structure encompasses the karst regions of Leye and Fengshan counties, where the Bailang and Poyue rivers have shaped the landscape.

Between these two rivers lies the remarkable Buliuhe River, which has created various karst geosites, including karst springs, high karst peak clusters (fengcong), natural bridges, poljes, karst windows (tiankengs), extensive caves, massive cave chambers, fault zones, minor folds, and intriguing fossils, including giant pandas and Neogene stratigraphic sections.

Nature’s Marvels on Display

The UNESCO Global Geopark showcases the different stages of karst development with its tiankengs and high fengcong karst. It boasts the world’s most breathtaking karst windows, the highest density of tiankengs, largest cave chambers recorded worldwide, and the world’s longest natural bridges. This magnificent region stands as a testament to the wonders of nature.

A Colossal Sinkhole Reveals Ancient Secrets

Sinkholes, a common result of erosion in karst terrains, are prone to form in loose soil structures. In May 2022, scientists made an astonishing discovery within the geopark – a new sinkhole measuring approximately 630 feet in depth, 490 feet in width, and over 1,000 feet in length.

This colossal sinkhole holds within it a plethora of mature trees and plants, raising the exciting possibility of new species waiting to be discovered. Scientists have already identified three cave openings within the sinkhole, and expedition leader Chen Lixin believes that they could find species that have yet to be documented by science. He describes trees in the area that surpass 130 feet in height, indicating the richness and diversity of the underground ecosystem.

To gain further insights, the scientists sought the expertise of George Veni, director of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute. According to Veni, the karst landscape in China, formed through the disintegration of bedrock leading to sinkholes, stands out for its astonishing sinkholes and grand cave entrances, creating a dramatic spectacle unparalleled in many other parts of the world. In contrast, sinkholes in other regions can be more modest in size, with cave entrances that require a bit of squeezing to enter.

A Natural Breeding Ground for Wonders

Although this recent discovery is incredible, experts are not overly surprised. The extensive karst landscape in southern China provides a natural breeding ground for fascinating caves and sinkholes. Veni explains that slightly acidic rainwater plays a vital role in eroding the rock in a karst environment. As rainwater seeps through the ground, it absorbs carbon dioxide, increasing the acidity of the soil. This acidic water then seeps into the crevices of the bedrock, gradually creating tunnels and cavities. When these subterranean spaces become extensive enough, the rock above collapses, giving rise to sinkholes.

The sinkhole recently discovered is the thirty-first known opening in the region, adding to the already impressive collection of karst wonders found in China. One such wonder is Xiaozhai Tiankeng, which boasts the largest pit in the world. This sinkhole measures a staggering 2,100 feet in depth, 2,000 feet in length, and 1,760 feet in width. Its unique interior features a stream, creating a Minecraft-like landscape that captures the imagination.

Explore and Share the Wonders

Embark on a journey to witness the breathtaking beauty and remarkable discoveries of China’s Leye-Fengshan Global Geopark. It’s an experience that will leave you in awe. Don’t forget to share this exciting news with your family and friends, sparking their curiosity and admiration for the wonders of our planet!

Explore the breathtaking beauty and remarkable discoveries of China’s Leye-Fengshan Global Geopark and share the excitement with your family and friends!