Becoming a parent is a major milestone in peoples’ lives. You have to be there for another human being and they are completely reliant on you for everything. It’s a big responsibility that not everyone is ready for. Let’s take a look at one mother’s courageous journey and the challenges she faced.

Angie Setlak was expecting her son, Xavier, when her world turned upside down. Her boyfriend was unfaithful, causing Angie a great deal of heartache. But despite the difficulties, she remained focused on their little son.

Once Xavier was born four weeks early, Angie’s dream of a happy family turned into a nightmare. Her boyfriend, who was supposed to take care of Xavier while Angie went back to work, couldn’t handle the responsibility.

“We had a stressful pregnancy because his father was unfaithful, and it affected my blood pressure and the baby. But we made it, and he was born completely healthy,” Angie shared. However, her partner struggled to cope with their new life.

When Angie was about to return to work for the first time since her maternity leave, she faced an unimaginable situation. Throughout the day, she received text messages from her boyfriend, expressing how difficult it was to take care of Xavier alone. Concerned for their child’s well-being, Angie reassured her partner that they would find another solution.

But then came the message that changed everything. In a shocking text, Xavier’s dad asked if he could harm their son. Angie rushed home immediately, fearing for their child’s safety.

To her horror, Xavier wasn’t breathing. They rushed him to the hospital, where it was discovered that he had suffered from brain damage. Initially, the father claimed that their son had choked on milk, but Angie soon learned the truth.

Xavier was placed in a medically induced coma for two weeks to help him recover. The future seemed uncertain, and doctors warned Angie of the potential long-term effects. But despite the challenges, Angie remained hopeful. After 17 days in the hospital, she was finally able to bring Xavier home.

Xavier’s dad was arrested on suspicion of child abuse. It was suspected that he had shaken Xavier so violently that it caused severe brain injuries. Since then, Xavier has undergone various treatments and continues to grow stronger every day. His dad is no longer a part of his life, and Angie’s full focus is on their amazing little Xavier.

“I hope that someone reading our story will take it to heart and realize how important it is not to shake a baby. No matter what, you never shake a baby. It’s so easy to avoid. A moment of anger changed my child forever,” Angie shares.

This is a heartbreaking story that highlights the importance of raising awareness about child abuse. Let’s stand together to protect our children and ensure their safety. Share this story with others and help prevent such atrocities from happening in the future.