Burger King employee receives $160,000 in donations after pathetic 27-year anniversary gift from company

Staying with one company for twenty-seven years is an incredible achievement, especially when you’re as dedicated as Kevin Ford. This devoted Burger King employee’s story recently went viral, shedding light on his nearly three decades of service to the fast food giant.

Kevin Ford, a single father of two, never took a sick day during his time at Burger King. Despite his long-standing commitment, his recent anniversary wasn’t celebrated with the appreciation he deserved. Instead of a meaningful gesture, Kevin received a small goodie bag filled with items more suitable for a business conference than a man commemorating 27 years with one company.

Kevin began his journey with Burger King as a cook and cashier at the Las Vegas McCarran International Airport location. He took the job when he gained custody of his two daughters, Seryna and her older sister, and Burger King played a crucial role in ensuring their education. Over the years, Kevin’s family grew. He remarried and had two more daughters.

Unfortunately, a viral video shed light on the underwhelming anniversary gift Kevin received from HMSHost, Burger King’s parent company. The video circulated on the internet, portraying Kevin’s humble and grateful reaction to a bag of Reese’s Pieces, pens, a movie ticket, a Starbucks reusable cup, and two rolls of Lifesavers. It was clear to many that this bag was far from an appropriate gesture.

The internet was quick to express their disappointment. Commenters on Reddit speculated that it was probably Kevin’s coworkers or low-level manager who purchased the items with their own money, making the situation even more disheartening. The consensus was that the gift resembled something handed out at a convention rather than a long-awaited acknowledgment of a dedicated employee.

In response to the disappointing gift and the public outcry, Kevin’s daughter set up a GoFundMe campaign to show her father the appreciation he truly deserved. It’s worth noting that many questioned why a 54-year-old man would continue working at a low-income job for 27 years. Seryna explained that her father is part of a union and receives exceptional health insurance. Moreover, leaving the job before retirement age would cost him his retirement benefits.

Unexpectedly, the response to the fundraiser was overwhelming. In less than a week, nearly $160,000 was raised for Kevin. His heartwarming story even caught the attention of actor David Spade, who donated $5,000. Kevin expressed his gratitude, jokingly wondering if he should take a day off now. However, David Spade advised him to wait until he reached the 30-year milestone.

The support Kevin received left him in awe. He had been crying tears of joy for two days straight, overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers who showed their appreciation. After all those years feeling unappreciated, Kevin now sees how many people value his dedication and hard work.

Burger King released a statement through a spokesperson, mentioning that the video showcased a team member receiving a peer-to-peer reward to recognize a short-term positive performance or experience. The franchisee offers a comprehensive employee recognition program, which includes acknowledging tenure milestones and providing monetary awards. However, HMSHost, the company responsible for the viral gift and the employer of Burger King staff, has yet to comment.

Kevin’s story shines a light on the importance of recognizing and appreciating loyal employees. It’s disheartening to see such a dedicated worker receive an inadequate gift to commemorate his twenty-seven years of service. Let’s share Kevin’s story widely to showcase just how much he is truly appreciated.