In this captivating movie poster for the new film “The Premonition” featuring Sandra Bullock, there is a hidden surprise – can you spot it? Take a closer look and see if you can find the hidden face of a girl amongst the striking visuals.

This discovery reminded me of another popular optical illusion called “Hidden Baby”. It’s amazing how these illusions can keep us entertained and captivated for hours on end. In fact, the “Hidden Baby” illusion had me occupied for several days until a reader finally helped me spot it!

Spotting hidden objects and faces in illusions is always a delightful challenge. If you enjoy this type of visual puzzle, you’ll be thrilled to know that there are plenty more spot-the-object illusions waiting for you to explore. But before we dive into those, let’s see if you can uncover the hidden lady’s face beneath the surface of this movie poster.

So go ahead, take your time, and give it your best shot!