Sophie’s journey began on May 18, 2017, when she suddenly fell ill. Her parents, Shelby and Jonathan, initially believed it was just allergies. However, it soon became clear that the situation was far more serious.

Sophie was scheduled for an allergy test, but before she could take it, she stopped breathing one night. Her parents immediately called an ambulance, and they rushed her to the hospital. It was there that doctors made a devastating discovery: a softball-sized mass in Sophie’s chest. Sophie had T-cell lymphoma, cancer.

Treatment began immediately, with aggressive chemotherapy. But sadly, the cancer continued to spread. The treatments took a toll on Sophie’s body, affecting her ability to walk, talk, use her hands, and eat. Throughout this challenging time, Sophie’s parents remained by her side, faithfully supporting her.

As Sophie’s body weakened, she required a stem cell transplant. It was during this trying period that her mother, Shelby, noticed a special nurse who went above and beyond her duties. Though the nurse tried to go unnoticed, Shelby couldn’t help but notice her dedication and compassion.

Shelby captured a candid moment of the nurse’s care, posting it on the Facebook page they had created to document Sophie’s journey. Alongside the photo, Shelby wrote a heartfelt message expressing her deep appreciation for the nurse and the entire nursing staff.

“I see you,” Shelby wrote, her words resonating with the countless hours she had spent in the hospital with her daughter. Shelby acknowledged the nurse’s efforts to ease Sophie’s fears and make her feel comfortable. She also recognized the nurse’s ability to provide comfort to crying parents and her commitment to every child under her care.

Shelby’s message not only touched the nurse it was intended for, but also resonated with parents who had similar experiences. It highlighted the essential role that nurses play in the pediatric unit, offering support, love, and care during the most challenging times.

The nurses in the pediatric unit bear witness to unimaginable difficulties on a daily basis, living through the worst moments of any parent’s life, over and over again. Their unwavering dedication and strength are immeasurable.

Tragically, Sophie’s battle with cancer came to an end on January 4, 2018. Her tiny body could no longer withstand the aggressive treatments and relentless cancer. She passed away peacefully in her parents’ arms, after they had cherished 13 precious days of cuddling, reading, singing, and loving.

Shelby’s goal throughout Sophie’s journey was to shed light on the reality of battling cancer. She shared both the ups and downs, illustrating the immense work that the nurses, and the Lord, did throughout their difficult journey. Shelby hopes to continue sharing their story and honoring Sophie’s memory.

Cancer is a devastating disease, especially when it afflicts children. Sophie’s story serves as a poignant reminder to cherish every day, love without reservation, and appreciate the remarkable nurses and hospital staff who selflessly care for their young patients. These nurses are healers, helpers, playmates, storytellers, counselors, and comforters all in one, touching countless lives and providing unwavering support for families in need.

Let’s join Shelby in recognizing and celebrating the incredible work that nurses and hospital staff do each day. Share her heartfelt words and spread awareness about the vast impact they have in the lives of families facing extraordinary challenges. Together, we can honor the memory of little Sophie and support those who continue to fight against cancer.