Good news, fellow New Yorkers! As we fret over the issues with our mayor, Eric Adams, let’s take a moment to appreciate that we’re not enduring the disastrous reign of Chicago’s Mayor Brandon Johnson. He styles himself as a pro-crime progressive and is heavily influenced by the city’s powerful teachers union.

Unfortunately for him, it seems like the honeymoon period is over, with only 21% of registered Chicago voters approving of his performance as mayor according to a recent poll.

Johnson has made countless decisions that rational citizens would disapprove of. One of his most absurd claims was that paying reparations for slavery would somehow solve the city’s endless crime epidemic. Rather than addressing the root causes of crime, such as bail and policing policies, he defended a mob of violent thugs that took over a substantial part of Chicago’s downtown.

During his campaign, Johnson promised not to eliminate selective enrollment at high-achieving public schools in Chicago. However, it now seems like the city school board is prepared to break his pledge. This should come as no surprise, given his unwavering support for the Chicago Teachers Union, which makes the United Federation of Teachers in Gotham appear tame in comparison.

While his predecessor, Lori Lightfoot, had a hostile relationship with the press, Johnson has managed to outdo her. He even proposed government-run grocery stores reminiscent of the Soviet style. It’s no wonder he’s struggling to maintain public support.

We must remember that the strident moralism of politicians like Johnson often serves their own political self-interests rather than benefiting those they claim to help.

This entire tragicomedy in Chicago should serve as a dire lesson for New York City. Johnson was elected after Lightfoot drove her city into chaos with pro-crime and anti-family policies, accompanied by her grandiose self-importance whenever confronted with the dire consequences.

While Adams is primarily focused on fighting crime and improving schools, he also faces challenges concerning the migrant crisis. Unfortunately, he too often responds to criticism with self-pitying complaints or baseless accusations of racism.

However, we must be cautious not to discard Adams like Lightfoot just for the sake of change. The potential contenders from within the Democratic party are simply dreadful. They pander to the extreme left ideologies that fuel the city’s most significant issues.

While we continue to push our mayor to do better, the debacle of Chicago’s Brandon Johnson serves as a stark reminder that things can always get worse when it comes to Democrats running major American cities. Let’s hope for an improved future for New York City.