Teachers play a vital role in our society, yet they often go underappreciated. One teacher who is getting the recognition he deserves is Jonathan Oliver of WG Nunn Elementary in Valdosta, Georgia. Oliver, a physical education teacher, recently went viral for his thoughtful act of kindness towards a kindergartener during a basketball game.

It all started when Kristen Paulk, one of Oliver’s students, asked for help with putting her hair back in a ponytail. Without hesitation, Oliver sprung into action, kneeling on a basketball to get to her level and carefully tying her hair back. Little did he know, his act of kindness was being recorded by Kandice Anderson, another elementary school teacher.

Anderson uploaded the video on YouTube, where it quickly gained popularity and earned Oliver praise from the general public. The video was titled “When your job goes beyond teaching!” and caught the attention of Good Morning America. They reached out to Oliver for an interview, surprised by the overwhelming response to his simple gesture.

In the interview, Oliver humbly expressed his shock at the attention his act had received. He emphasized that teachers strive to make their students feel at home and loved. To him, helping Kristen with her ponytail was just another way to show his care and support.

While Oliver admitted that he often helps his own daughter with her hair, his expertise doesn’t extend much further. He joked that if Kristen had asked for anything other than a ponytail, he would have directed her to ask her mom for help.

Kristen’s mother, Miyah Cleckley, was touched by the video and praised Oliver for his care. With five daughters and one son, Cleckley appreciates the help Oliver provides when she’s not able to be there.

This heartwarming story is just one example of the many incredible teachers who go above and beyond for their students every day. They truly are heroes in our communities.

What did you think of this sweet story? Let us know in the comments!

Original Source: fecoya.co.uk