One couple, Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant, made headlines years ago when they welcomed biracial twin girls into the world. While Alison is light-skinned with blue eyes and ginger hair, her husband Dean is of West Indian origin and has dark skin, black hair, and dark colored eyes.

Although they secretly hoped their girls would resemble both of them, they could never in their wildest dreams imagine that one of their twin daughters would be white just like mom and the other would be black just like her dad.

Laura and Hayleigh don’t look alike, but they share plenty of traits. When they first meet them, most people don’t trust them when they say they are twins. Of course, there have been comments by strangers over the years, but the girls don’t pay any attention to them and don’t let the mean words affect them in any way.

When Laura and Hayleigh were around seven years old, their parents told them they would have a sibling. Alison was pregnant again. They were all over the moon by the thought of welcoming another baby into the family, but doctors had a surprise for them. Alison was expecting twins again.

As her pregnancy proceeded, she and Dean sometimes joked that their other set of twins could be biracial again. Of course, the chances seemed to be extremely slim for a miracle like that to happen.

When she was 37 weeks pregnant, Alison’s babies were delivered through C-section because they were in the breech position. Right after birth, the baby girls experienced troubles breathing and were rushed to intensive care. Luckily, it wasn’t anything serious.

When the parents were finally allowed to see their bundles of joy, they were shocked. The girls were biracial, just like their older sisters. Little Leah inherited her mom’s skin color and features while baby Miya resembled her father.

Needless to say, this couple’s story went viral and made headlines again all for the right reasons.

Today, Laura and Hayleigh are teenagers. They are always there for their little sisters and guide them through the challenges they sometimes experience for being biracial twins.

What a beautiful family. We only wish them the best life can bring.

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