The day I became a parent changed my life. It sounds cliché and obvious, but it’s the truth. Something shifted in me that day – my priorities, my reality, everything. That’s why I can’t understand how some people can abandon their little ones, turning their backs on them and refusing to take responsibility for raising them.

The story of Samuel Forrest and his wife Ruzan is a perfect example. Back in 2015, Samuel and Ruzan were living in Armenia when their son Leo was born. The doctors had no previous knowledge that Leo had Down syndrome. As soon as Samuel laid eyes on his son, he knew he wanted nothing more than to give him a happy, normal life.

“They took me in to see him and I looked at this guy and I said, ‘He’s beautiful – he’s perfect and I’m absolutely keeping him,’” Samuel recalled.

But Ruzan had a different mindset. She gave Samuel an ultimatum – put baby Leo in an orphanage or she would leave. It was a shocking and confusing moment for Samuel, but he chose his son without hesitation. He decided to return to his home country, New Zealand, where he could receive support from his loved ones.

The pressure and cultural differences were what drove Ruzan to make such a heartbreaking request. About three and a half weeks later, Ruzan reached out to Samuel through a friend, and they had a candid conversation through Skype. Finally, she agreed to meet Samuel and hold little Leo for the first time.

Before this, Ruzan had no idea what Down syndrome really was or that there was hope for Leo. The doctors had painted a bleak picture, saying that Leo would never learn to walk, talk, or feed himself. But Samuel’s love for his son and his determination to give him the best life possible changed everything.

Samuel shared his story online, and the response was overwhelming. Tens of thousands of people showed their support through a GoFundMe page titled “Bring Leo Home,” which raised over $500,000! This outpouring of love and generosity helped Samuel and Ruzan reconcile and ultimately cancel the planned divorce. Ruzan moved to New Zealand to be with her family and adapt to Leo’s therapy programs.

“At first, I was very, very scared because I didn’t know what Down syndrome was like. Doctors said he would be like a vegetable. It was very scary. I think I was also very selfish, and then there was depression… all of that together,” Ruzan explained. But as time went on, her love for Leo grew immensely. She couldn’t imagine her life without him now. He had changed her so much, and she’s become a wonderful mother.

Wow! I’m so happy this family was able to pull through in the end. Thank goodness Samuel made the right call in the beginning. Parenthood is a journey filled with unexpected challenges, but the love and dedication we have for our children can overcome any obstacle.

If you found this article interesting, check out the heartwarming story of a single dad who showed up and changed the lives of two forgotten children.