Finding love in the digital age can be exhausting, especially with the overwhelming number of potential matches on dating apps. But what if you had someone like Jennifer Lopez to guide you through the process? In a recent episode of Tinder’s “Swipe Sessions” series, Lopez helped a 29-year-old country singer named Brooke navigate the world of online dating.

Brooke had a specific type in mind – a guy who could “chop wood.” As they swiped through potential suitors, Lopez, the experienced dating guru, offered some wise advice. She playfully mentioned that men are often “useless” before the age of 33. Though it might come across as a generalization, there’s some truth to it.

According to relationship expert Jane Greer, Lopez’s remark holds validity, especially if you’re seeking commitment. It takes time for men to establish their careers and financial stability, acquiring a sense of security and maturity along the way. This accomplishment and experience can lead to a deeper readiness for commitment.

But don’t be quick to dismiss men in their 20s entirely. Everyone’s journey is different, and some men may be ready for commitment at an earlier age. What’s important is understanding the factors that can contribute to a shift in mindset around the age of 30, helping you make sense of your dating experiences.

So the next time you’re swiping through potential matches on a dating app, take a moment to ask yourself this question: “What would Jennifer Lopez do?” Remember, it’s crucial to know your worth and have standards that align with it. By being selective and mindful, you can navigate the world of online dating with confidence and find the right match for you.


In the world of online dating, finding love can feel like a frustrating task. However, with the guidance of Jennifer Lopez’s invaluable advice, the journey becomes more manageable and exciting. By embracing the wisdom of being selective and understanding the process of men’s emotional growth, you can enhance your dating experiences. So, as you scroll through potential matches on dating apps, let Jennifer Lopez’s words empower you and guide you towards finding the love you deserve.